Mar 28, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog SVC 
2024-2025 Catalog SVC

Academic Information


Mount Vernon: 360.416.6651
Toll free number: 1.877.385.5360

Can’t Come To Campus? Let Us Come To You!

Skagit Valley College (SVC) is committed to students and to providing quality education at the time and place that is most convenient to their learning. With this in mind, the college offers a wide selection of courses that are fully online (eLearning), hybrid, and face-to-face. The online (eLearning) and hybrid courses at SVC are academically rigorous and equivalent to traditional face-to-face courses. They are the same in terms of credits, learning objectives, competencies, content, and transferability. They also follow the same policies concerning admission requirements and are on the same academic calendar.

  • Fully online courses - Students are not required to come on campus or to attend online meetings at a particular time. Students access course content via a course management system and work with their classmates using engaging technology from anywhere and anytime they have internet access.
  • Hybrid courses - This format combines face-to-face instruction and a significant amount of self-directed learning done online when it is convenient for students. For example, a traditional 5 credit class will usually meet 4 times per week. When converted into a hybrid course, half of those weekly sessions might be replaced by work done independently in an online course management system.
  • Face-to-face courses - Traditional format where classroom instruction takes place on campus at set hours and days of the week; student attendance is expected. Almost all face-to-face classes use online technology (for example, email, website resources, online videos, and a learning management system) to enhance the learning experience.

Check out the website for information about online degree options and support services available to online students.

Developmental Education

Mount Vernon: 360.416.7642
Whidbey Island: 360.679.5307

Many students entering college or returning after some time away from studies need and want additional work to prepare for college-level courses. To help meet the needs of these students, Skagit Valley College offers both tutorial services and various levels of courses in foundational mathematics, reading, and writing. Placement in many of these courses is determined by recommendation or performance on assessment tests required as part of the college admissions process.

Some courses are offered in the traditional classroom format, others are provided through individualized, self-paced instruction in the Mount Vernon Campus Academic Skills Center, and certain ones are available through E-Learning. These courses are numbered below 100 and, although taken for credit, are not counted toward a college degree.

Basic Education for Adults

Basic Education for Adults (BEdA)  serves students who want to improve English language skills; complete a high school diploma; prepare for the GED® (General Educational Development) exams; and/or improve academic skills in reading, writing and math to prepare for transition to college level courses. Basic Education offers English Language Acquisition (ELA) , College and Career Bridge (CCB) , and High School Completion (HSC)  courses.

English Language Acquisition

Classes in English Language Acquisition (ELA)  and English for Academic Purposes (EAP)  provide language instruction to non-native speakers of English.

ELA offers beginning, intermediate, and advanced classes primarily for immigrants in our community. Classes emphasize listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Job readiness is a component of all ELA courses, as well as the practical use of English in everyday life. Students in upper levels are encouraged to pursue additional educational opportunities such as I-BEST, College and Career Bridge (CCB), High School Completion (HSC), English for Academic Purposes (EAP) , and/or college certificates and degrees.

EAP courses are offered to international students and other English learners in conjunction with or preparation for entering college credit programs. EAP courses provide students with the language skills needed to succeed in Academic and Professional/Technical studies at Skagit Valley College.

Externships and Practicums

Externships and/or practicums are required for some academic programs. These courses contribute to a significant applied, hands-on learning focus for the degree/certificate, giving students real-world experience that they can bring to future jobs. Externship locations, course credits, and student expectations vary depending on the program of study. Specific information is available from the instructor and is listed within the Program information in the catalog. Students participating in externships may be required to pay for general liability insurance.

Running Start

Running Start is a cooperative effort between SVC and local area high schools. This dual credit program allows eligible high school juniors and seniors to attend college classes and earn high school and college credits simultaneously.

Running Start students attend SVC classes during the school day, in the evening, or participate in an online learning environment. Students can enroll part-time or full-time, depending on their goals. Upon the satisfactory completion of the course requirements, college credit is granted.   Many college-level courses are transferable to other colleges; please check with the college you intend to transfer to for eligibility. Credits may also apply toward high school graduation requirements. Homeschool students are welcome to participate; however, they must enroll in a public school to complete the necessary paperwork in order to access Running Start funding. 

Students must be classified as a junior or senior by their high school to be eligible to participate in Running Start. Students should speak with their families, their high school counselor, and attend a Running Start Information Session prior to enrolling in Running Start. Admissions steps include submitting an online admissions application, completing course placement, activating their MySVC account, completing an online orientation, completing a Running Start Enrollment Verification Form (quarterly), and attending a by-invitation Cardinal Take-Off Advising session. A completed Running Start Enrollment Verification Form is required before a Running Start student registers for courses each quarter. The form must be signed by a parent/guardian, a high school counselor or representative and the student prior to submitting it to SVC each quarter. To learn more about applying to Running Start, please visit\runningstart.

The Running Start program may cover the cost of tuition for up to 15 credits of college-level courses per quarter. Students are responsible for paying additional tuition fees if they enroll for additional credits, for college and course fees, purchasing books, supplies or materials, and must follow all SVC policies and regulations regarding student performance, behavior, and course prerequisites. Tuition fee waivers are available for students who qualify for and submit documentation of free/reduced priced meals at their high school. This waiver covers the cost of eligible credit fees only; it does not cover any other costs of attendance. 

Open Doors

Open Doors  is a competency-based high school completion program for eligible individuals who are 16-20 years of age who are deficient in high school credits. High school competency requirements may be met through high school and college coursework and/or prior learning gained from work and life experience. Unmet requirements may be achieved through additional coursework at SVC.

High School Diploma

There are three ways to earn a high school diploma from Skagit Valley College:
  1. Adult High School Completion:
    An individual who satisfactorily meets the high school requirements as determined by the college shall be awarded a diploma from the college, subject to rules adopted by the Superintendent of Public Instruction and the State Board of Education.
  2. Upon Completion of an Associate Degree:
    An individual 16 years or older who enrolls in the college for the purpose of obtaining an associate degree and who satisfactorily completes an associate degree, including an Associate of Arts (AA), Associate of Science Transfer (AS-T), Associate in Education (A.ED.), Associate in Technical Arts (ATA), or Associate in Applied Science (AAS), Associate in Applied Science Transfer (AAS-T), shall be awarded a Washington State high school diploma from the college upon request from the student. (These individuals are not required to complete the State Board of Education’s graduation requirements.)
  3. HS+ Adult High School Diploma:
    Individuals who have not yet obtained their high school diploma and are over the age of 18, can obtain a competency-based high school diploma through the HS+ diploma program. Students between 16-18 years of age will need a release from their local public high school. High school competency requirements may be met through prior learning in high school or college coursework or work, life, and/or military experience.

Career and Technical Education (CTE) Dual Credit

CTE Dual Credit courses are available to 9th - 12th grade students who are enrolled in specific high school classes that are articulated with SVC. Courses are taught by high school instructors, who use SVC’s course outcomes. If students complete the course with the required grade and skills, they may also receive SVC credit. These courses are part of a Career and Technical Education (CTE) program that can lead to a college certificate or degree. CTE Dual Credit students gain tremendous advantages by preparing for their post-secondary education while in high school. They may pursue the credential that is right for them, whether it be an associate or bachelor’s degree, or a post-secondary industry certification. For more information, please visit the CTE Dual Credit web page.  

College in the High School

College in the High School (CHS) is a dual credit program which provides college-level academic courses to 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students. Courses must be articulated with SVC and CHS teachers must meet the same qualification as SVC instructors. CHS courses are equivalent to SVC courses and are taught at the high school by qualified high school teachers.  Students must apply to SVC, meet course prerequisites, register for the course, pay tuition, and satisfactorily complete the course to earn college credit. For more information, please visit the College in the High School webpage.

Apprenticeship Programs

Carpenter Apprenticeship
A four-year program of paid on-the-job training and related instruction. Graduates receive a journey level certification from the Department of Labor and Industries and the United Brotherhood of Carpenters. VA approved. For more information please call the apprenticeship office at 360.428.2933.

Instructional Assistant and Education Paraprofessional Apprenticeships
This apprenticeship program is a structured program of on-the-job training and related classroom instruction provided by Skagit Valley College. It is a joint effort by employers, employees and the State Department of Labor and Industries to increase the skill level of K-12 public school employees and provide employers with a pool of well-trained personnel with job specific skills.
The Washington Public School Classified Employees Apprenticeship Committee, in cooperation with Skagit Valley College, provides two specific apprenticeship programs for employed paraeducators in K-12 public school settings. The Instructional Assistant program consists of 2,000 hours of on-the-job training and 45 credits of related training. The Educational Paraprofessional program is also available to those apprentices that complete the Instructional Assistant program. The college courses selected to meet apprenticeship requirements may also be used toward earning an education paraprofessional certificate or degree. Contact the Early Childhood Education (ECE) Dept Chair for current apprenticeship scholarship information. For more information contact Washington Public School Classified Employees Representative at 360.336.2240 or the ECE Department Chair at 360.416.7787.

Electrician Apprenticeship
A five-year program of paid, on-the-job training and related instruction. Includes classroom training covering all phases of electrical work leading to Journeyman status. VA approved. For more information, please call the apprenticeship office at 360.428.5080.

Facilities Custodian Apprenticeship
A 42-credit program covering on- the-job training and related instruction. This program is Veteran’s Administration (VA) approved. For more information please call the Washington Public School Classified Employees apprenticeship office at 360.338.2240.

Cooperative Education

Mount Vernon: 360.416.7774

Cooperative Education takes the student out of the classroom and into the world of work, where it is possible to explore career-related hopes and dreams. Cooperative education bridges the gap between theory and practice and creates community partnerships with local employers.

The program is a requirement for all students who earn an Associate in Applied Science (AAS) degree. Co-op offers students a chance to prepare for careers in business, industry, government and non-profit organizations. Co-op students gain work experience, build a network of mentors, and learn what preparation they need to be successful in their chosen field.

Opportunities normally exist for both volunteer and paid positions. Students may work on- or off-campus and must complete at least 30 work hours per credit. An on-line weekly seminar about work-related issues, such as communication, goal setting and problem-solving, is also required. For more information, contact Joe Amaral, Cooperative Education Coordinator at 360.416.7774 or at

Learning Into Action

Mount Vernon: 360.416.7774

Transfer degree-seeking students have the opportunity to synthesize and put the knowledge and skills they have learned into practice in an applied learning environment. Students may complete a one credit, 30-hour project which allows them to creatively apply their knowledge, acquired skills, and critical thinking. Potential projects include: community service, original research, study abroad, campus-related activities, foreign travel, work study, thesis papers, mentoring, working with external agencies, visiting/developing exhibits, or capstone projects. Students may participate in either individual or collaborative projects, and carry out their projects in consultation with a faculty sponsor. For more information, contact Joe Amaral, Cooperative Education Coordinator at 360.416.7774 or at (Running Start students outside of the Mount Vernon School District would need High School counselor permission prior to enrollment.).

Parent Education

Mount Vernon: 360.416.7635
Whidbey Island: 360.679.5347

The Family Life  program offers parents and families the opportunity for parenting support, education and involvement in a developmentally appropriate toddler or cooperative preschool program. Participate in your child’s social and intellectual development and increase your knowledge of child development, health and safety, and much more. For more information, contact Alexis Meyers, Family Life program coordinator, at

Community Programs

Continuing and Community Education: 360.416.7638

Community members may sign up for non-credit classes and workshops relating to personal enrichment, professional development, and industry certification through Continuing and Community Education (CCE) program. These courses are designed to be accessible, affordable, and offered at convenient times - including evenings and weekends. Students do not need to apply to Skagit Valley College or be a current student to participate in these courses. A CCE course must meet enrollment minimums in order to run, and courses are not eligible for financial aid or waivers.

The Continuing & Community Education program is self-sustaining and not eligible for waivers. For more information, contact the CCE Office at 360-416.7638 or at

You may earn Continuing Education Units (CEU’s), contact hours or required certifications to maintain your professional license through the CCE program. Students are encouraged to communicate with the CCE department prior to participating, to ensure a course is eligible for CEUs.

Serving the Business Community

Customized Training for Businesses: 360.416.7638

SVC provides efficient and effective training with an eye on the bottom line and a plan to help develop a company’s most important asset - its employees. Businesses can request customized training options which can be delivered on-site at your business, online, or at any of our training locations. Instructors are subject matter experts with extensive industry experience, who can provide a complete range of high-quality customized training solutions for businesses, non-profits, and government agencies. Funding for training may be available for eligible businesses and organizations.

For more information, contact the Continuing & Community Education Office at 360.416.7638, or at

Foreign Travel

Credit may be earned either through coursework associated with organized trips sponsored by the college or through independent travel, enrollment in foreign educational institutions, or through international exchange programs. 

Independent Study

Independent study may be achieved through individual instructors for one to five credits per quarter. Independent study is limited to of one course per quarter. The course numbers are 251-255 in the department in which the work is done and may be repeated for credit. An independent study form may be obtained from Enrollment Services and must be signed by the instructor, Department/Division Chair and Dean prior to enrollment.

Honors and Graduation

Honor Roll

At the conclusion of each quarter, those students who obtain a college-level grade point average (GPA) of 3.75 or better and have completed 12 credits or more in college level courses numbered 100 or higher are placed on the Honor Roll.

Honors & High Honors

Graduates with a degree or certificate and have a college-level GPA of 3.50 to 3.79 receive Honors. High Honors is awarded if the college level GPA is 3.80 to 4.00. Honors designations are listed on the SVC transcript with the degree and/or certificate title.

President’s Medal

To be eligible for the Presidents Medal, graduating students must achieve a 3.90 to 4.00 SVC college-level GPA, including all SVC and transfer coursework. All grades must be ‘A’ or ‘A-‘, and no ‘I’ or ‘F’ grades in courses numbered over 100 are permitted. In addition, a maximum of two Pass ‘P’ grades are allowed and students must have attended SVC for a minimum of three quarters. The specific and complete criteria for the President’s Medal may be obtained in Enrollment Services.

Honors Reception

One of the culminating events of every school year is the annual Honors Reception. Both the Mount Vernon and Whidbey Island Campuses host a reception. The Honors Reception is a celebration of both academic achievement and student involvement in campus activities. More information about the Honor Reception may be obtained at the Office for Student Life.

Phi Theta Kappa

Skagit Valley College is a member of Phi Theta Kappa, an international honor society for two-year colleges. The Theta Upsilon Chapter is on the Mount Vernon Campus, and the Alpha Omicron Sigma Chapter serves the Whidbey Island Campus.


Diploma Application

Students are required to submit a diploma application approximately one quarter prior to registering for their final quarter. The online application is located at

Your degree and/or certificate status can be reviewed through What-If Report (advisement report) within your MySVC account in the Resources/Advising section and/or with your advisor.

The degree and/or certificate will be posted to your official transcript at the end of the quarter in which the requirements were completed. The diploma will be mailed approximately 3-4 weeks after degree and/or certificate posting.

Commencement Ceremony

All students who graduated or will be graduating during this current academic year (Summer 2023 through Spring 2024) are encouraged to attend the graduation commencement ceremony at the end of Spring Quarter.

To participate, the degree/certificate requirements must be satisfied, or be within 10 credits or two classes or one quarter of degree/certificate completion, by the end of Summer Quarter 2024.