Mar 28, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog SVC 
2024-2025 Catalog SVC

Student Rights & Responsibilities

Student Information




SVC graduation and transfer-out rates SVC Graduation Report Enrollment Services
SVC’s Drug & Alcohol Awareness Program Report Student Life Office
Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act “Your Rights Under FERPA” Enrollment Services
Campus Security Report & Crime Statistics Campus Security Report Security Office 360.416.7934
Completion and transfer-out rates for athletes Athletics Completion Report Athletics Office
Gender equity in athletics at SVC Equity in Athletics Report Athletics Office
Voter registration Information and Forms Enrollment Services
Emergency Information Emergency Preparedness Plan Emergency Information webpage

Children on Campus

SVC allows high school students on campus for instruction and other learning activities, but children are generally not permitted on campus unless they are directly supervised by a parent or responsible adult who is officially enrolled in classes or directly involved in an instructional process. In no case, even if accompanied by a parent or other adult, are children permitted in classrooms, labs, shops, or any area where potential hazards exist, with the exception of children directly involved in the instructional process (for example, Even Start, Kids College).

Individuals who bring children to campus are responsible for their supervision at all times; leaving children unattended in public areas such as the Student Lounge or Cafeteria does not meet this supervision standard. College officials will contact parents or other parties responsible for children left unattended on campus, and inform them that children must be properly supervised while on campus. Individuals who bring children to campus and refuse to abide by these guidelines will be referred to security or college officials and are subject to student discipline.

Comprehensive Veterans Education Information Policy

Skagit Valley College does not and will not provide any commission, bonus, or other incentive payment based directly or indirectly on success in securing enrollment or financial aid to any persons or entities engaged in any student recruiting or admissions activities or in making decisions regarding the award of student financial assistance.

Drug Free Workplace Policy

In accordance with the Federal Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988, Skagit Valley College strives to create a safe and secure learning environment. Employees are expected and required to report to work in an appropriate mental and physical condition to perform their assigned duties. Skagit Valley College’s Drug-Free Workplace Policy:

Equal Opportunity & Title IX

Community College District #4 provides equal opportunity and does not discriminate on the basis of age, sex, race, ethnicity, or disability in the educational programs and activities which it provides. All employees, vendors, and organizations with which the college does business are required to comply with all applicable federal and state statutes and regulations designed to promote equal opportunity.

Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA)

Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, students have the right to:

  • Inspect all of their educational records.
  • Request that their records be amended.
  • Privacy of their records (with very few exceptions)
  • Have information released upon request

Under the Family and Educational Rights and Privacy Act and Skagit Valley College policy, the following information is listed as Directory Information and is not confidential:

  • Student name
  • Major field of study
  • Enrollment status
  • Dates of attendance
  • Participation in recognized sports
  • Degree or certificate earned
  • Term degree or certificate awarded
  • Honors

Except as otherwise indicated in item 5000, subsection 5200, of the College Policies and Procedures Manual and Chapter 132D WAC, the College District will not provide information contained in student education records in response to inquiries either from within or outside the college unless the express consent of the student has been given.

If students do not want “directory information” released to others without a legitimate educational interest in the information, they should make formal application for the “non-disclosure of directory information” to the Enrollment Services’ Office.

Please visit our FERPA web page or the U.S. Department of Education website for more detailed information.

Inter-College Transfer & Articulation Among Washington Public Colleges & Universities

Student Rights & Responsibilities

  • Non-Discrimination Policy
    All the colleges and universities in Washington maintain a policy of not discriminating against students because of their age, sex, race, color, religion, disability, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, pregnancy, veteran’s status, familial relationship, expunged juvenile record, association with anyone of a particular race, color, sex, national origin, marital status, age, or religion, as published in official institutional bulletins.
  • Information Dissemination & Acquisition
    Students have the right to expect fair and equitable treatment from the public colleges and universities of Washington, both sending and receiving institutions. They have the right to expect reasonable efforts on the part of colleges to make accurate and current information available. They have, in turn, the responsibility of seeking out current information pertaining to their educational objectives, and for acquiring appropriate information when they change their academic plans. When a student changes major or degree program, the student must assume full responsibility for meeting the new requirements. Colleges will make every effort to help students make transitions as smoothly as is feasible.

Review and Appeal

  • Student Appeals
    Students who encounter transfer difficulties should first seek resolution through the receiving institution’s transfer officer. If not resolved at this level, the student may appeal in writing to the transfer officer of the sending institution. The transfer officers will confer and attempt to resolve the problem. In the event the transfer officers cannot resolve the issue within two weeks, the matter will be referred to the two chief academic/instructional officers for resolution. Within two weeks after the academic officers have conferred, a decision will be rendered by the chief academic office of the receiving institution.
  • Inter-Institutional Disputes
    In the event of inter-institutional transfer disagreements, it is the responsibility of the two transfer officers to resolve the dispute wherever possible. If not resolved at this level within two weeks, the two transfer officers will refer the matter to the two chief academic/instructional officers for resolution. Unresolved inter-institutional transfer disputes will be referred for review and recommendation to a committee composed of three representatives appointed by the Washington Association of Community College Presidents and three representatives of the Inter-institutional Committee for Academic Officers of the state’s public four-year institutions. A report to the two institutions will be rendered when this committee has completed its deliberations. The chief academic officers of the affected institutions will respond in a formal report to the committee within four weeks indicating actions to be taken in response to committee recommendations.

Implementation & Revision of Policy

This policy will be implemented and maintained through the cooperative efforts of the state institutions of higher education, the State Board for Community College Education, and the Higher Education Coordinating Board.

List of One-Year Transfer Courses-“Washington 45”

This agreement is not intended to replace the Direct Transfer Agreement, Associate of Science Tracks I and II or any Major Related Program agreement, nor will it guarantee admission to a four-year institution.

A student who completes courses within designated areas listed below at a public community or technical college or four-year college in Washington State will be able to transfer and apply a maximum of 45 quarter credits toward general education requirement(s) at any other public and most private higher education institutions in the state*.

For transfer purposes, a student must have a minimum grade of C or better (2.0 or above) in each course completed from this list.

Students who transfer “Washington 45” courses must still meet a receiving institution’s admission requirements and eventually satisfy all their general education requirements and their degree requirements in major, minor and professional programs.

First-Year Transfer List of General Education Courses

  • Communications (5 credits) - ENGL& 101, ENGL& 102 
  • Quantitative and Symbolic Reasoning (5 credits) - MATH& 107, MATH& 148 or MATH& 151 
  • Humanities (10 credits in two different subject areas**) PHIL& 101, MUSC& 105, DRMA& 101, or HUM& 101 
  • For colleges that use History as a Humanities: HIST& 116, HIST& 117, HIST& 118, HIST& 146, HIST& 147, HIST& 148 
  • Social Science (10 credits in two different subject areas) - PSYC& 100, SOC& 101, POLS& 101, POLS& 202 
  • For colleges that use History as a Social Science: HIST& 116, HIST& 117, HIST& 118, HIST& 146, HIST& 147, HIST& 148 
  • Natural Sciences (10 credits in two different subject areas) - ASTR& 100, ASTR& 101 w/lab,BIOL& 100, BIOL& 160 w/lab, CHEM& 105, CHEM& 110 w/lab, CHEM& 121 with lab, CHEM& 161, CHEM& 162, ENVS& 101, GEOL& 101 w/lab,
  • An additional 5 credits in a different subject area can be taken from any category listed above to bring total to 45 credits.

Note: Although these courses are listed under categories, the actual course may satisfy a different general education category at a receiving institution.

* Many private non-profit colleges and universities have distinct general education requirements, therefore, students should check with institution(s) they plan to attend regarding application of transfer credits that will meet general education requirements.

**Disciplines are sometimes called subject or subject matter areas and designated by a prefix (for example, PHIL for Philosophy and POLS for Political Science).

Notification of Title IV Student Complaint Process

The Higher Education Act (HEA) prohibits an institution of higher education from engaging in a “substantial misrepresentation of the nature of its educational program, its financial charges, or the employability of its graduates.” 20 U.S.C. §1094(c)(3)(A). Further, each State must have “a process to review and appropriately act on complaints concerning the institution, including enforcing applicable State laws.” 34 C.F.R. § 600.9. For information, contact SBCTC Student Services, PO Box 42495, Olympia, WA 98504-2495, call 360.704.4315, or visit


Designated parking on the Mount Vernon Campus includes staff, student, student carpool, parking for individuals with disabilities, and visitor spaces. Parking is available on a “first-come, first-served” basis in the areas designated as shown on campus maps. Maps are available on the SVC website, at the information desk in Lewis Hall, or the Security Services Department in the lobby of the Gary Knutzen Cardinal Center building. SVC students are required to park in a student parking lot between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. and have a parking permit decal (Mount Vernon Campus only) visible on their car. Students may not park in staff or visitor parking spaces at any time. Parking permit decals can be obtained at the Security Services Department in the lobby of the Gary Knutzen Cardinal Center. This rule is strictly enforced and citations will be issued. If you receive a citation, a block will be put on your student ID until your fine is paid. You can pay the fine at the Mount Vernon cashier in the Lewis Hall building or the Whidbey Island cashier in the Old Main building. If you fail to pay your fine(s), you will not be able to register for the next quarter, get your grades (including official transcripts), or receive your financial aid check. If you have any questions, please visit the Security Services office in the lobby of the Gary Knutzen Cardinal Center building or call 360.416.7777.

Security Reports

SVC complies with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act of 1998. The College’s Annual Security Report and Campus View Village Fire Report are available online.

Emergency Notifications and Alerts

SVC uses the RAVE Mobile Safety alert system to communicate with students and employees in the event of a college emergency, safety alert, or weather-related delay or closure. All students and staff receive notifications to their official SVC email account and have the option to receive notifications via text, voice (land line or cell phone), and email addresses different than the official SVC email account. To enable these options log on to

Emergency Preparedness

SVC has established procedures and gathered information to minimize the impact of an emergency on students, employees, visitors, and facilities. The “All Hazards Emergency Response Plan” is available online.

Emergency procedures, emergency assembly point maps, and building safety evacuation diagrams are posted at various locations in each campus building.

Placement Reciprocity Agreement Policy

For all entering students at any Washington community and technical college, system policy provides that:

  • A student who qualifies for a specific level of pre-college math, English, or reading, either through course completion or local skills assessment, will have that course placement level honored at another Washington CTC if the student so requests, even if the courses may not be exact equivalents.
  • A student who qualifies for entry into college-level math, English, or reading, either through course completion or local skills assessment, will be considered to have met the entry college-level standard at every community and technical college.
  • Students requesting reciprocity must initiate the process within one year of their initial placement assessment.

Record of Student Complaints Policy

In accordance with USDOE regulation 602.16(a)(1)(ix), an institution will make available an account of the student complaints it has received, its processing of those complaints, and how that processing comports with the institution’s policies and procedures on the handling of grievances or complaints. The Commission reviews the institution’s record of complaints as part of the institution’s Year Three or Year Seven Evaluation.

Sexual Harassment Policy

It is the intent of Skagit Valley College to prohibit discrimination of any kind, including sexual harassment, as defined by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in its guidelines on sexual harassment in 1980 under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. If a student believes they have been subject to sexual harassment or other forms of prohibited discrimination, they may file a complaint at or contact the Title IX/EEO Office at Procedures for handling complaints are found in OPPM 3070 Non-Discrimination and Harassment policy at

Student Absence for Reasons of Faith or Conscience

Skagit Valley College will grant reasonable accommodation so that grades are not impacted for students who are absent for reasons of faith or conscience, or for an organized activity conducted under the auspices of a religious denomination, church, or religious organization. Such absences must be requested in writing within the first two weeks of the quarter and may not incur additional fees for students. Students’ grades may not be adversely impacted by absences authorized under this policy. Each holiday taken under this policy must be taken as a whole day, that is, the day may not be divided into hours and taken piecemeal. Students who have concerns about approval or a grade impact may utilize the student grievance procedure for concerns not directly related to grades, or to the grade appeal process in cases impacting a final grade.


  1. Students must coordinate an absence with the Office of the Vice President of Instruction within the first two weeks of the quarter. All requests for authorized absences under this policy must be in writing and contain a concise explanation of how the requested holiday is related to a reason of faith or conscience or an organized activity conducted under the auspices of a religious denomination, church, or religious organization. The electronic request form is located at:
  2. All absences under this policy must be authorized by the Office of the Vice President of Instruction in advance of the absence. The college will not authorize an absence for a student after the absence occurs without compelling circumstances.
  3. The Office of the Vice President of Instruction will provide the student with a document verifying the date of the authorized absence and further instructions. In order to ensure that their absence does not negatively affect their grades, the student must comply with directions for notifying their instructors of their upcoming authorized absence. The student is solely responsible for ensuring the documentation authorizing the absence is provided to each of the instructors whose classes or assignments will be affected by the absence.
  4. After an instructor is notified by the student of an upcoming absence, the instructor will determine what adjustments, if any, will need to be made to the student’s scheduled classwork or assignments. The instructor will inform the student of these adjustments within two business days of receiving the student’s notification. “Business Day” means a weekday, excluding weekends and college holidays.
  5. If the student’s desired absence date is on a day when a test is scheduled or an assignment is due, the instructor may require that the student take the test or submit the assignment before or after the regularly assigned date.
  6. Regardless of an instructor’s class expectations or grading policies, absences authorized under this policy will not adversely impact a student’s grade
  7. If a student fails to notify any of their instructors of an authorized absence (as directed by the Office of the Vice President of Instruction), the instructor is not obligated to make any accommodations for the student’s absence or treat the absence as authorized under this policy or the law.

Transfer Rights and Responsibilities

Student Rights and Responsibilities

  • Students have the right to clear, accurate, and current information about their transfer admission requirements, transfer admission deadlines, degree requirements, and transfer policies that include course equivalencies.
  • Transfer and freshman entry students have the right to expect comparable standards for regular admission to programs and comparable program requirements.
  • Students have the right to seek clarification regarding their transfer evaluation and may request the reconsideration of any aspect of that evaluation. In response, the college will follow established practices and processes for reviewing its transfer credit decisions.
  • Students who encounter other transfer difficulties have the right to seek resolution. Each institution will have a defined process for resolution that is published and readily available to students.
  • Students have the responsibility to complete all materials required for admission and to submit the application on or before the published deadlines.
  • Students have the responsibility to plan their courses of study by referring to the specific published degree requirements of the college or academic program in which they intend to earn a bachelor’s degree.
  • When a student changes a major or degree program, the student assumes full responsibility for meeting the new requirements.

College and University Rights and Responsibilities

  • Colleges and universities have the right and authority to determine program requirements and course offerings in accordance with their institutional missions.
  • Colleges and universities have the responsibility to communicate and publish their requirements and course offerings to students and the public, including information about student transfer rights and responsibilities.
  • Colleges and universities have the responsibility to communicate their admission- and transfer-related decisions to students in writing (electronic or paper).