Mar 28, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog SVC 
2024-2025 Catalog SVC

Policies & Regulations

Grading Procedure

Evaluation of student performance is the prerogative of course instructors as follows:
Classification Letter Grade Grade Points
Excellent: A 4
Above Average: A- 3.7
B+ 3.3
B 3
Average: B- 2.7
C+ 2.3
C 2
Below Average: C- 1.7
D+ 1.3
D 1
Failing: F 0
Grade not received from instructor * Not Counted
Incomplete I Not Counted
Audit N Not Counted
Pass P Not Counted
Ceased Attendance (Comm. Ed.) V Not Counted
Withdrawal W Not Counted
In Progress/Re-register (BeDA & AESL) Y Not Counted
Course Repeated Repeat- Excluded Not Counted
Statute of Limitations

Grade+ 0.00 credits


Not Counted

Earning College Credits

The standard academic year is divided into three quarters of approximately 11 weeks each, plus a summer session of approximately 5 weeks or 8 weeks, depending on the course. One credit is allowed for each lecture period or two hours of laboratory per week. The laboratory period may consist of two or more hours. For each period of lecture or discussion, the average student should allow two hours of outside preparation.

A carefully planned course of 15 or more college-level credits per quarter may give you sufficient credits to graduate in two years. These credits should be chosen according to the educational plan developed under the guidance of an advisor.

If you are a degree-seeking student, you are strongly encouraged to have your schedule of classes reviewed by your advisor. Students registering for more than 22 course credits require approval by an advisor and the Dean of Enrollment Services.

Prior Learning

Prior learning is the knowledge and skills gained through work and life experience; through military training and experience; and through formal and informal education and training from in-state and out-of-state institutions, including foreign institutions. For information, contact the Executive Dean of Workforce Education at 360.416.7802.

Credit for Prior Learning

Currently enrolled SVC students may earn college credit based upon prior learning when they demonstrate by examination or evaluation that their professional experience or substantial prior learning meets the specific outcomes of a SVC course. Each department determines the evaluation method students use to demonstrate mastery of the course content. Students seeking to acquire this form of college credits should complete the Petition for Non-Traditional Credit: For Prior Learning Form from the Enrollment Services Forms webpage. Then submit the form and all documentation supporting their request to the Department Chair for the program that oversees the course(s) the student is challenging. A maximum of 30 credits is allowed for this method and there is a $60 per credit transcription fee associated with this request. Certain pre-approved training programs may qualify for a Pre-Approved Prior Learning Assessment Fee of $250 for up to 30 credits of transcribed credit.

Advanced Standing

The purpose of Advanced Standing is to replace a required course with prior experience in military work/military schools or relevant employment in an industry that can be documented by employment records or through testing. Students seeking advanced standing credit should do so upon entry to Skagit Valley College by completing the Petition for Non-Traditional Credit: Advanced Standing Request form and submit the form and all documentation (including appropriate transcripts, DD295s, Joint Service Transcript (JST), or industry training documents) supporting their request to the Dean of Workforce Education. Once awarded, Advanced Standing may give you prerequisites necessary for registration for courses that will count toward your certificate/ diploma. For example: a student who holds a current CPR/First Aid card from an approved agency may request a waiver of PE 200 as a requirement for their degree. Students who receive advanced standing must still complete a minimum of 90 credits to graduate with an Associate of Applied Science Degree.

Note: This option only eliminates the requirement for the class but does not count as credits toward attainment of a degree. In the example offered, a student with a valid CPR card would not need to take the 2-credit PE 200 class but will still need a minimum of 90 credits overall to graduate with a degree.

Standardized Tests

Non-traditional credits include credit by nationally standardized tests such as College Level Examination Program (CLEP) and DANTES, military, vocational, and other non-accredited training programs, independent study, and other appropriate educational experiences. Students who request to be tested in a specific subject area using a nationally standardized test (such as the CLEP or American Chemical Society tests) and score at or above the national reference standard or at a minimum level which shall be decided by the various departments.

Students who request to be tested in broad areas of General Education such as natural science or humanities, may be granted a maximum of 45 credits (depending on the degree type, see below “Application of Non-Traditional Credit”) through CLEP general examinations (not to exceed 9 credits per exam) or other similar nationally standardized tests.

Challenging an SVC Course

Credit by Examination
The following regulations have been established for awarding credit by examination:
  • Students may not receive credit by examination for subject matter less advanced than that for which they have previously received credit.
  • No student shall be permitted to repeat any examination for advanced credit.
  • Students may not challenge courses they have previously audited, failed, or challenged and failed.
  • Students may not receive credit by examination for lower division (100 and 200-level) language courses in the student’s native language.
  • Students may not request credit by examination for any course in which they are currently enrolled.
The following is the process students should follow to request credit by examination:

Students who request to be tested in a specific course must have faculty, department/division chair, and dean approval. Forms may be obtained from Enrollment Services. Approved forms must be returned to Enrollment Services with appropriate payment.

  1. The student pays a course challenge fee of $2.00 per course credit. The student also pays the tuition for the course itself.
  2. The student receives a receipt. The student submits the receipt for the challenge to the instructor and arranges a time with the instructor to take the exam.
  3. The instructor grades the exam and indicates the grade for the course on the receipt and signs it.
  4. The instructor submits the signed receipt with the grade at Enrollment Services.
  5. The course grade based on the challenge exam is posted on the student’s transcript.

College Preparatory Program with Exams

AP Test Score Equivalencies at Washington SBCTC (4.60.51)

Students interested in transferring to a four-year university should check the requirements of their target school to determine the best way to use AP credits.

Credit earned through AP exams do not count toward the SVC residency requirement. For Advanced Placement, review the AP Test Score Equivalencies Table below.

The chart included on this page represents course equivalencies awarded for each Advanced Placement (AP) exam score and is recognized by all community and technical colleges in Washington. Students interested in transferring to a four-year university should check the requirements of their target school to determine the best way to use their AP exam credits. This page also includes the State/SBCTC policy (4.60.51) for awarding credit for AP scores. Advanced Placement exams with scores of three or higher will be posted to the SVC transcript. 

4.60.51 Advanced Placement: Washington state community and technical colleges will award unrestricted elective credit for an Advanced Placement (AP) score of 3 or higher. Credit will be awarded on the basis of official AP results, not transcript notation. Credits granted for general education or major requirements will be specified by the receiving institution’s AP credit policies; otherwise, elective credit will be granted. Unrestricted electives will be academic/transferable credits for Skagit Valley College.

AP Test Score SVC Equivalent
African American Studies 3-5 Humanities or Social Sciences Distribution (5)
Art: Art History 3-5 ART& 100    (5)
Art: Studio Art - Drawing 3-5 Humanities Distribution (5)
Art: 2D Design 3-5 Humanities Distribution (5)
Art: 3D Design 3-5 Humanities Distribution (5)
Biology 3-5 BIOL& 100  BIOL& 160    (5)
Calculus AB 3-5 MATH& 151    (5)
Calculus BC 3-5 MATH& 151 MATH& 152  (5)
Pre-Calculus 3  MATH& 141  (5)
Pre-Calculus 4-5 MATH& 141  + MATH& 142    (10)
Chemistry 3-4
CHEM& 121  CHEM& 161  (5)
CHEM& 121 CHEM& 161 CHEM& 162    (10)
Chinese Language & Culture 3-4
World Language Elective (5)
World Language (10)
Computer Science A 3
Elective (5)
CS 142  (5)
Computer Science AB 3-5 Elective (5)
Computer Science Principles 3-5 Computer Science Elective (5)
Economics: Micro 3-5 ECON& 201  (5)
Economics: Macro 3-5 ECON& 202  (5)
English: Lang & Comp 3
Elective (5)
ENGL& 101  (5)
English: Lit & Comp 3-5 Humanities Distribution (5)
Environmental Science 3
ENVS& 100 (5)
ENVS& 100, ENVS& 101  (5)
European History 3-5 HIST& 116 HIST& 117  HIST& 118  (5)
French Language & Culture 3
World Language (5)
World Language (10)
French Literature 3-4
World Language (5)
World Language (10)
German Language & Literature 3-4
World Language Elective (5)
World Language (10)
US Government & Politics 3-5 POLS& 202  (5)
Comparative Government & Politics 3-4
POLS& 101  (5)
POLS& 101  POLS 201   (5)
Human Geography 3-4
Social Science Elective (5)
Social Science Elective (10)
Italian Language & Culture 3-4
World Language Elective (5)
World Language (10)
Japanese Language 3
JAPN& 121   (5)
JAPN& 121 JAPN& 122  ​(5)
JAPN& 121 JAPN& 122 JAPN& 123  (10)
Latin Literature, Literature & Culture 3-5 Humanities Distribution (5)
Latin: Virgil 3
Elective, Humanities Elective (5)
Humanities Distribution, Humanities Elective (5)
Humanities Distribution, Humanities Elective (10)
Music Theory 3-4
Music Theory Elective (5)
Music Theory Elective (10)
Music Listening/Literature 3-5 MUSC& 105  (5)
Physics 1 3-5 PHYS& 124    + PHYS& 134  (5) or other algebra-based physics class (mechanics)
Physics 2 3-5 PHYS& 125    + PHYS& 135  (5) or other algebra-based physics class (waves or thermodynamics)
Physics B 3-5 Science Distribution (5)
Physics C (Mechanics) 3
Calculus-based physics class (5)
PHYS& 231   + PHYS& 241   (5) or other calculus-based physics class (mechanics)
Physics C (Elect. & Mag.) 3
Calculus-based physics class (5)
PHYS& 233   + PHYS& 243  (5) or other calculus-based physics class (electricity and magn.)
Psychology 3-5 PSYC& 100  (5)
Research 3-5 General Elective (5)
Seminar 3-5 Elective (5)
Spanish Language & Culture 3
SPAN& 121   (5)
 SPAN& 121 SPAN& 122  (5)
SPAN& 121  SPAN& 122  SPAN& 123   (10)
Spanish Literature & Culture 3
SPAN& 121   (5)
SPAN& 121  SPAN& 122   (5)
SPAN& 121  SPAN& 122  SPAN& 123   ​(10)
Statistics 3-5 MATH& 146   (5)
U.S. History 3-4
HIST& 146 HIST& 147  HIST& 148  (5)
HIST& 146  HIST& 147  , HIST& 148  (10)
World History 3-5 HIST& 126 HIST& 127  HIST& 128   (5)

Skagit Valley College will award unrestricted elective credit for a Cambridge (CI) score of E on A and AS level exams with a passing grade or above for approved examinations. Credit will be awarded on the basis of official CI results, not transcript notation. Credits granted for general education or major requirements will be specified by the receiving institution’s CI credit policies; otherwise, elective credit will be granted. Duplicate credit for the same subject taken on different exams will not be granted.

Name Exam Minimum Credit
A Level 
ACCT& 201  , ACCT& 202 , and ACCT& 203  (15) 
AS Level  General electives (5) 
Art & Design A Level Humanities distribution in art (10) and general electives (5) 
Art & Design AS Level Humanities distribution in art (7.5) 
Biology A Level
Natural science distribution in biology, with lab (10) and general electives (5) 
Biology AS Level
Natural science distribution in biology, with lab (7.5) 
Business A Level BUS& 101  (5) and business electives (10) 
Business AS Level BUS& 101   (5) and business electives (2.5) 
Chemistry A Level CHEM& 161 CHEM& 162 , and CHEM& 163   (15) 
Chemistry AS Level
Natural science distribution in chemistry, with lab (7.5) 
Chinese A Level World language (10) and humanities distribution (5) 
Chinese - Language AS Level World language (7.5) 
Classical Studies A Level Humanities distribution (10) and general electives (5)
Classical Studies AS Level Humanities distribution (7.5) 
Computer Science A Level Computer science for non-majors (5) and general electives (10) 
Computer Science AS Level Computer science for non-majors (5) and general electives (2.5) 
Digital Media & Design A Level Humanities distribution (10) and general electives (5)
Digital Media & Design AS Level Humanities distribution (7.5) 
Drama A Level DRMA& 101  (5), humanities distribution (5), and general electives (5) 
Drama AS Level DRMA& 101  (5) and humanities distribution (2.5) 
Economics A Level ECON& 201  (5), ECON& 202   (5), and general electives (5) 
Economics AS Level Social science distribution in economics (7.5) 
English - Language A Level General electives (15) 
English - Language AS Level General electives (7.5) 
English - Language and Literature AS Level General electives (7.5) 
English - Literature A Level Humanities distribution (10) and general electives (5)
English - Literature AS Level General electives (7.5) 
English General Paper AS Level General electives (7.5) 
Environmental Management  AS Level Natural science distribution, with lab (7.5) 
French A Level FRCH& 121 FRCH& 122 , and FRCH& 123   (15) …. UW awards 200-level credit
French - Language AS Level FRCH& 123   (5) and humanities distribution (5) 
Geography A Level Social science distribution (10) and general electives (5) 
Geography AS Level Social science distribution (7.5) 
German A Level World Language Elective (15)
UW gives primarily 300-level credit 
German - Language AS Level World Language Elective (5) and humanities distribution (5) 
Global Perspectives and Research A Level General electives (15) 
Global Perspectives and Research AS Level General electives (7.5) 
History A Level Humanities or social science distribution in history 
(10 in one or 5 in each) and general electives (5 to 10) 
History AS Level Humanities or social science distribution in history (7.5) 
Japanese - Language AS Level World language (5) and humanities distribution (2.5) 
Marine Science A Level Natural science distribution, with lab (10) and general electives (5) 
Marine Science AS Level Natural science distribution, with lab (7.5) 
Mathematics A Level MATH& 151  (5), MATH& 152  (5), and mathematics electives (5) 
Mathematics AS Level Mathematics electives (7.5) 
Mathematics - Further A Level MATH& 146   (5), MATH& 153  (5), and mathematics electives (5) 
Mathematics - Further AS Level Mathematics electives (7.5)
Media Studies A Level Humanities distribution in communication (10) and general electives (5) 
Media Studies AS Level Humanities distribution in communication (7.5) 
Music A Level Humanities distribution in music (10) and general electives (5) 
Music AS Level Humanities distribution in music (7.5) 
Physical Education A Level General electives (15) 
Physical Education AS Level General electives (7.5) 
Physics A Level PHYS& 124  PHYS& 125 , and PHYS& 126  (15) 
Physics AS Level Natural science distribution in physics, with lab (7.5) 
Psychology A Level PSYC& 100  (5), social science distribution in psychology (5), and general electives (5) 
Psychology AS Level Social science distribution in psychology (7.5) 
Sociology A Level SOC& 101   (5), social science distribution in sociology (5), and general electives (5) 
Sociology AS Level Social science distribution in sociology (7.5) 
Spanish A Level SPAN& 121  SPAN& 122  , and SPAN& 123  (15) 
Spanish - Language AS Level General electives (7.5) 
Spanish - Literature AS Level Humanities distribution (7.5) 
Thinking Skills A Level Humanities or social science distribution in philosophy (10 in one or 5 in each) and general electives (5 to 10) 
Thinking Skills AS Level Humanities or social science distribution in philosophy (7.5) 

For Cambridge exams that are not listed here (Afrikaans, Arabic, Divinity, Hindi, Hinduism, Information Technology, Islamic Studies, Law, Portuguese, Tamil, Travel & Tourism, or Urdu), please contact your college’s Office of Admissions or Enrollment Services.

View Cambridge International Test Score Equivalencies


Students interested in transferring to a four-year university should check the requirements of their target school to determine the best way to use credits.

Skagit Valley College will award unrestricted elective credit for an International Baccalaureate (IB) score of 4 on standard-level or higher-level IB exams. Credit will be awarded on the basis of official IB results, not transcript notation. Credits granted for general education or major requirements will be specified by the receiving institution’s IB credit policies; otherwise, elective credit will be granted. International Baccalaureate exams with scores of four or higher will be posted to the SVC transcript. 

African History
Distribution Credit (5)
Social Science or Humanities based on institutional placement of History discipline.
American History
Elective (5)
HIST& 146  HIST& 147  , HIST& 148  (10)
Language A
Arabic A, Chinese A, French A, Japanese A, Russian A, Spanish A
Humanities distribution: World Language (5)
Language B
Arabic B, Chinese B, French B, Japanese B, Russian B, Spanish B
Humanities distribution: World Language (5)
Humanities distribution: World Language (10)
Humanities distribution (5)
BIOL& 100  , BIOL& 160  (5)
Business Management
Business or Management elective (5)
CHEM& 121   (5)
CHEM& 121  , CHEM& 161  (5)
CHEM& 121  CHEM& 161  CHEM& 162  (5)
Computer Science
CS 142  or first transfer-level computer programming course (5)
Design Technology
ENGR& 104   (5)
East/Southeast Asia and Oceania History
Distribution Credit (5)
Social Science or Humanities based on institutional placement of History discipline.
Elective (5)
ECON& 201   (5)
ECON& 201  ECON& 202  (10)
English A Literature
Humanities distribution (5)
ENGL& 111  (5) or Humanities distribution (5)
English A Language & Literature 4
Humanities distribution (5)
ENGL& 101   (5)
European History
HIST& 116  HIST& 117  HIST& 118  (5)
Social Science Elective (5)
GEOG& 200 (5)
Global Politics
Political science electrive (5)
Information Technology in a Global Society
Elective (5)
College-level math distribution (5)
MATH& 142   (5)
MATH& 151  (5)
Further Mathematics
MATH& 142   (5)
MATH& 151  (5)
MUSC& 105   (5)
PHIL& 101  (5)
PSYC& 100  (5)
Social & Cultural Anthropology
ANTH& 206   (5)
Sports, Exercise & Health Science
Elective (5)
DRMA& 101  (5) or Humanities distribution (5)
Visual Arts
ART& 100   (5) 
World Religions (SL only) 4-7 HIST 121   (5)

Military Service Schools

At Skagit Valley College (SVC), we use the following procedures to ensure every veteran receives the maximum amount of college credit for military training possible. Military credits are considered to be “non-traditional” credits.

  • SVC evaluates every civilian and military transcript received from active duty military and veterans pursuing an education at SVC.
  • SVC accepts the Joint Service Transcript (JST) as an official education transcript.
  • SVC uses the American Council on Education (ACE) “A Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services” as a guide. ACE translates military courses and occupations into academic credit recommendations and provides guidelines to interpret and recommend credit for college courses.
  • For the Associate in Arts Direct Transfer Agreement (DTA) degree, the Associate in Business DTA degree and the Associate in Pre-Nursing DTA degree, a maximum of up to 15 non-traditional credits may be applied to the Physical Education requirement and to the “gray area” elective requirements.
  • For the Associate in Science transfer degrees and the Associate in Biology DTA, a maximum of up to 6 non-traditional credits may be applied to the “gray area” elective requirements.
  • For the Associate in Applied Sciences degrees and/or certificate programs, a maximum of up to 30 non-traditional credits may be applied toward departmental requirements as approved by the department chair and appropriate dean.
  • For the Associate in Arts General Studies degree, a maximum of up to 45 credits for non-traditional learning may be granted: a maximum of 32 credits may apply to the “gray area” elective requirements, 3 credits may apply to the Physical Education requirement, and 10 credits may apply to the Science & Technology requirement.
  • In some circumstances, minimum resident credits requirements may be waived for active duty military personnel pursuing an SVC program.
  • For academic/transfer programs, military courses marked with “V”, “U” or “G” are generally not accepted. For some professional/technical programs, military courses marked with “V”, “U” or “G” are accepted on a case-by-case basis as determined by the department chair and/or appropriate dean.
  • Any remaining ACE credits on transcripts that do not match any courses in pursuit of any program of study will be accepted as elective credits whenever possible.
  • All military credits must be reviewed and evaluated for a student’s current program of study by the end of their 3rd quarter.
  • VA students may not opt out of a transcript evaluation.
  • A list of professional/technical career pathways that enables students to learn about options and opportunities to navigate their own education and career plans can be found on the SVC website.


Through the Waiver of Requirements process, a student asks the college to waive a particular program requirement due to successful completion of another post-secondary course, or equivalent coursework, which overall constitutes equal content. The minimum credit requirement is still required to complete a degree or certificate program.

Transferring in Credit

From Other Colleges

Official transcripts from regionally accredited colleges and/or universities, or other learning experiences will be evaluated upon request. The following types of courses do not transfer, regardless of an institution’s accreditation: remedial courses and developmental coursework, however, these courses may be used for placement purposes; courses that provide instruction in a particular religious doctrine; and non-credit continuing education courses. Courses not applicable for distribution requirements are assigned as elective credit up to the maximum allowable. If there are questions of interpretation in designating distribution credits for classes taken previously, you may apply to the appropriate instructional dean for review.

Credits transferred from another institution are not included in any SVC GPA calculation.

Application of Credits to the AA-DTA Degree

Credits transferred in from other regionally accredited colleges, SVC professional/technical programs, and credits earned by students who had a break in enrollment for two years.​

  • Students transferring 45 or more applicable college credits are exempt from the Integrative Learning Experience and Equity course requirements.
  • Students transferring 30-44 applicable college credits are required to complete one Integrative Learning Experience and one Equity course.
  • Students transferring 0-29 credits are required to complete two Integrative Learning Experiences and one Equity course.

Application of Non-Traditional Credit

Associate in Arts - Direct Transfer Agreement (AA-DTA)
Associate in Business DTA/MRP
Associate in Pre-Nursing DTA/MRP

A maximum of 15 credits through examination, independent study, CLEP, military programs, or professional/technical credits may be applied only as elective credits.

Associate in Science - Track 1 and 2
Associate in Biology DTA/MRP Degree

A maximum of 6 credits through examination, independent study, CLEP, military programs, or professional/technical credits may be applied only as elective credits.

Associate in Arts (AA) General Studies

A maximum of 45 credits may be applied toward the distribution requirements (subject areas) or as elective credits.

Associate in Applied Science Degree or Certificate Programs

A maximum of 30 credits may be applied if approved by the department chair and appropriate instructional dean.

Catalog Under Which Coursework Will Be Evaluated

Students continuously enrolled fall through spring will be evaluated under the requirements in effect at the time of initial enrollment. Students not enrolled for a minimum of one quarter (excluding summer) will be evaluated under the requirements in effect at the time of re-enrollment.

If a student has applied for a diploma and has not met requirements in effect at the time of initial enrollment or under the requirements in effect when they applied for a diploma, but would meet requirements under the certificate or degrees currently in effect, they will be evaluated under the most recent requirements, regardless of their enrollment status. This catalog is in effect from Summer 2020 to Spring 2021.

Final Grades amd Transcripts

At the end of each quarter, students may view their final grades by using ctcLink to access their unofficial transcript Students without a ctcLink student ID number will nee to contact to request an unofficial transcipt. Official transcripts are available by submitting a transcript request though

I (Incomplete)

An “I” or incomplete grade may be given at the end of a quarter, where in the judgment of the instructor, the student should have reasonable expectation of passing the course, but has not completed the required work to justify assignment of a grade. The student must make appropriate arrangements to complete the missing work. This work must be completed within one quarter (Summer Quarter excluded), or an “F” (fail) will automatically be assigned. An Incomplete Contract should be completed between the instructor and student identifying all remaining coursework. 

N (Audit)

Students may audit a course with the permission of the instructor and the Dean of Enrollment Services. An audit grade of “N” indicates the student has registered in, paid for, and attended a course without writing examinations, submitting work, papers, lab reports, etc. Attendance is required. N grades are not included in GPA calculations.

P (Pass)

A Pass (P) grade may be assigned in lieu of all grades from A to D. “P” indicates that the student has passed with credit, and may be assigned after consultation between the student and the instructor. “P” grades are not included in GPA calculations.

V (Ceased Attendance)

Students who register for a Community Education course and cease attendance, but do not withdraw, may be awarded a “V” grade by the instructor. “V” grades are not included in GPA calculations.

W (Withdrawal)

Students may officially withdraw from a course without notation on the permanent student record through the 10th day of instruction Fall, Winter, and Spring Quarters, and the 8th day of instruction Summer quarter.

After the withdrawl with notation deadline, students may officially withdraw from a course with a “W” noted on thier permanent student record. The last day for a partial withdrawal is the Friday before finals week. The last day to withdraw from all courses is the last day of finals week.

Y (In Progress/Re-Register)

Students enrolled in Basic Education for Adults (BEdA) and English for Academic Purposes (EAP) courses may be assigned a “Y” when the instructor deems the student has been actively working but has not yet achieved a sufficient skill level to justify a passing grade. “Y” grades are not included in GPA calculations.

Repeated Course

This indicates the course has been repeated and the lowest grade and grade points have been removed from GPA calculations. The course with the highest grade will be noted as “Repeat-Included,” and any course with a lower grade will be noted as “Repeat-Excluded.” The repeat check process is run at the end of each quarter.

Statute of Limitations

If a “D”, “E,” or “F”  shows 0.00 credits attempted, the grade has been removed from the GPA calculation by the Statute of Limitations. The Statute of Limitations is also noted as “Grading Basis: Grade Forgiveness” on the permanent student record. See Statute of Limitations under Academic Standing.

Grade Changes

All grade changes must be submitted by the instructor via the Change of Grade Online Form available in the Employee Portal.

The following time limits have been established regarding grade changes:

  • Grade changes MUST be made within two quarters of the original registration.
  • Grade changes will not be made after two quarters, unless documentation is provided to the Registrar by the instructor that the grade was awarded in error.
  • Grade changes will be made at any time if due to recording error. Students are advised to contact the instructor immediately if a grade has been recorded incorrectly. Errors and omissions will be corrected as soon as identified without cost to the student.

Grade Point Average (GPA)

Grade Point Average (GPA) is calculated by dividing the total grade points received by the total grade point credits attempted. Please refer to Grading Information for the grades assigned for each letter grade, for example, A = 4.00, B = 3.00 grade points.

When Incomplete (I) grades are replaced with letter grades, grade points and credit hours attempted are added to the formula to compute the new GPA.

Note: The Cumulative GPA includes all courses designated as graded-basis for which a letter grade of A, B, C, D, E, or F was assigned. Credits transferred from another institution are not included in any SVC GPA calculation.


All students are required to take regularly scheduled tests and examinations as prescribed by the instructor. If you miss an examination, it is your responsibility to contact the instructor and, if permitted by the course syllabus, schedule a makeup test as soon as possible.

Final examinations are held at the end of each quarter and are listed in the Final Examination Schedule. Permission for a special test or examination must come from the instructor.

Class Add/Drop

  • All changes of program (class adds or drops) must be recorded by Enrollment Services.
  • All course adds in sequential courses must be made prior to the 10th instructional day of the quarter unless approved.
  • Continuous enrollment courses may be added anytime unless they are closed because of class limits. See also Grading Procedures.

Academic Standing


Academic Standards Policy

The provisions of this policy will be applicable to students enrolled in courses or programs after the tenth (10th) instructional day of any quarter.

Honor Roll

At the conclusion of each quarter, each student’s grade point average is computed. Those students who obtain a grade point average of 3.75 or better and have carried a 12-credit load or more in graded courses are placed on the Honor Roll for the quarter.

Good Standing

A student who has a quarterly Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.0 or higher and cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher will be in Good Standing.

Academic Alert

A student who has a quarterly Grade Point Average (GPA) below 2.0 for one quarter will be placed on Academic Alert.

Academic Alert status will be removed at the end of any subsequent quarter during which a student acheives a quarterly GPA of 2.0 or higher.

Academic Probation

If a student is on Academic Alert and their Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) falls below 2.0 in their next quarter of  enrollment at the college, they will be placed on academic probation.

Probation status will be removed at the conclusion of any quarter during which the student achieves a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher.

Dropped: Low Scholarship

If a student is on academic probation, and they earn quarterly Grade Point Average (GPA) below 2.0 in the subsequent quarter of their enrollment at the college, they will be dropped from enrollment.

A student who successfully petitions for re-entry and then receives a grade point average of below 2.0 during the quarter of re-enrollment, will be dismissed from Skagit Valley College for one year.


A student who has been dismissed  for academic reasons set forth in this policy may submit a ‘Petition for Readmission’ form at after consulting with their advisor.

During the appeal process, the college reviews a student’s overall academic progress and all quarters of a student’s previous attendance are taking into consideration. If approved, the student will be readmitted on academic probation, and will remain on probation until the student’s cumulative GPA exceeds 2.0.

Time to Degree Completion

Pursuant to E2SSB 5135 Skagit Valley College has developed polices to ensure enrolled undergraduates complete degree and certificate programs in a timely manner. These policies address:

  • Students who accumulate more than 125% of the number of credits required to complete their respective associate degree or certificate programs;
  • Students who drop more than 25% of their course load before the grading period for the quarter or semester, which prevents efficient use of instructional resources; and
  • Students who remain on academic probation for more than one quarter or semester.

Students are responsible to the instructor of the course for attendance. An absence due to serious illness or a death in the immediate family may be excused. Even with an excused absence students will be required to make up the content and assignments missed during the absence. In all cases, students must communicate directly with the instructor regarding attendance (refer to the class syllabus).

Absences due to participation in field trips, intercollegiate games and other trips arranged by the college, may be excused with advance notice to the instructor.

Skagit Valley College will grant reasonable accommodation so that grades are not impacted for students who are absent for reasons of faith or conscience, or for an organized activity conducted under the auspices of a religious denomination, church, or religious organization. Such absences must be requested in writing within the first two weeks of the quarter and may not incur additional fees for students. Students’ grades may not be adversely impacted by absences authorized under this policy.

Each holiday taken under this policy must be taken as a whole day, that is, the day may not be divided into hours and taken piecemeal. For information, see Student Absences for Reasons of Faith or Conscience  .

Withdrawal from SVC

A student may withdraw from SVC through the fifth day of the quarter using ctcLInk Student Self-Service or by submitting a completed add/drop form at Enrollment Services.

After the fifth instructional day of the quarter, students must complete an add/drop form and submit it to Enrollment Services in person or notify Enrollment Services from their SVC student account via email at informing Enrollment Services staff that they wish to be withdrawn from one or more classes. If a student stops attending class without officially withdrawing, they will remain on the roster and recieve a grade accordingly. 

Refund Policy

The following rules address refunds of student tuition and fees:

  • A full refund is given for any course cancelled by the college. It is the student’s responsibility to officially notify Enrollment Services of drop status within the refund period.
  • Refunds for withdrawal from classes will be made as follows:
    • 100% refund if a student officially withdraws through the fifth officially scheduled instructional day of the quarter, other dates apply for Summer Quarter, please refer to the Academic Calendar for dates.
    • 50% refund if a student officially withdraws after the fifth instructional day of the quarter and through the tenth instructional day of the quarter, other dates apply for Summer Quarter, please refer to the Academic Calendar for dates.
    • For course sections starting prior to the first officially scheduled day of the quarter or after the fifth officially scheduled day of instruction for the quarter, refunds will be calculated for each course section consistent with the above schedule, but using the first day of class in place of the first officially scheduled day of the quarter as used above.
  • The first official day of class for E-Learning is the first day of the quarter.

Per RCW 28B.15.605, no refunds will be given beyond the 20th calendar day of the quarter except as stated in RCW 28B.15.605.

Continuing & Community Education

Continuing & Community Education (CCE) courses are not eligible for college credit. Participants must register and pay in full for these courses prior to the first day of class. A student will receive a 100% refund if the college cancels the class or if the student officially withdraws two (2) business days prior to the first class meeting. No refund will be given thereafter. Material fees will not be refunded. Exceptions must be approved by the Continuing & Community Education Director.

The CCE program is self-sustaining and not eligible for waivers. For more information, contact the Continuing & Community Education Office at 360.416.7638 or at

Fines & Other Financial Penalties

In order to collect outstanding parking fines, library fines and obligations, or other institutional commitments, the college may refuse to re-enroll a student as is deemed necessary. The student may request an informal hearing on the refusal of services. For more information, see the Dean of Enrollment Services.

Instructional Complaints

If a student feels that they have been treated unfairly inside or outside of the classroom, they may follow the procedures outlined in the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities. The Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities is found on the SVC web page and is available in the Enrollment Services Office and the Office of Student Life on the Mount Vernon Campus, and in the Student Services Office on the Whidbey Island Campus.