2016-2017 Catalog SVC [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Marine Maintenance Technology
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Also see Composites Technology
Program Description
Marine Maintenance Technology (MT) prepares students for marine trades employment in three major areas: marine propulsion, marine vessel systems, and marine composites. Marine Maintenance Technology offers a one-year certificate which serves as the core for the two-year ATA degree.
Located in the heart of the Northwest’s maritime industry, the MT program has close partnerships with marine manufacturers and service companies. Affordably priced, with out-of-state tuition waivers available, the program provides students with a unique opportunity to successfully begin a new career or expand upon existing skills.
Marine manufacturing and repair-refit companies in the pleasure, military, and commercial industries are driving demand for skilled marine technicians. In response to this demand, Skagit Valley College is a member of the Marine League of Schools, a national consortium of marine technology educators providing industry standards based training and education. In the MT program students divide their time between the classroom and well-equipped lab facilities, and through on-site testing, will work toward credentials with the following:
- American Boat & Yacht Council (ABYC),
- American Composites Manufacturers Association (ACMA),
- National Marine Electronics Association (NMEA), as well as other industry recognized certification entities.
Marine propulsion provides students with the skills and knowledge necessary to install, maintain and repair modern boat and ship engines and propulsion systems. Students learn cooling, exhaust, ignition, lubrication, and control systems for fuel injected gasoline and diesel inboard engines. Hands-on training covers how to adjust engine performance to manufacturer’s specifications and how to install and repair diesel engines, inboard gasoline engines, sterndrives, sail drives, and outboard motors.
In marine vessel systems, students learn how to install, repair, maintain, and troubleshoot modern boat systems using established industry standards and best practices, learning about AC and DC electrical systems, plumbing, rigging, electronics, sanitation, refrigeration, communication and navigation systems. Certified instructors have direct industry experience and prepare students to apply their skills to virtually any professional scenario involving AC and DC electricity, marine wiring, pumps, batteries, tanks and plumbing, shore power systems, inverters, steering/ controls, refrigeration, sanitation, heating systems and electronic navigation. Composite materials dominate the recreational vessel market globally.
The marine composites curriculum prepares students by teaching the theory and practical application of a wide variety of composite materials and resins. Though the composites portion of the program targets the marine industry, students will have the option of seeking employment in several industries in addition to marine, such as energy, aerospace, automotive, recreation, bio-medical, construction and consumer goods - each of which requires similar skill sets. Students will study and learn wet layup, and closed-molding, tool fabrication, light resin transfer molding (RTM); developing hands-on practical skills in addition to learning the theory behind the processes. For information on composites manufacturing and repair, see Composites and Manufacturing Technology certificates.
Program Learning Outcomes
Graduates of the Marine Technician program will be able to:
- Use a digital volt/ohm/amp meter to test AC circuits including shore power cords, supplied voltage, voltage drop, continuity of a wire run, operation of a switch, fuse, bulb or appliance.
- Install and wire typical vessel DC electrical system components such as batteries, pumps, lights, switches and navigational gear to American Boat and Yacht Council and National Fire Protection Association guidelines and recommended practices.
- Plan and install charging systems in accordance with ABYC guidelines.
- Understand problems related to marine galvanic corrosion, and able to complete a galvanic corrosion survey on a vessel and recommend corrective or maintenance items necessary for control.
- Understand marine electronic navigational systems and able to provide routine maintenance services for marine electronic devices.
- Understand marine computer selection and able to implement computer security measures.
- Understand and apply regional and national laws regarding marine sanitation devices (MSD) and overboard discharge of gray and black water. Make appropriate decisions about tankage issues based on USCG requirements and ABYC standards H-24, H-25, and H-33 as they apply to fuel tanks.
- Identify various marine pump systems, and understand factors that affect pump ratings for flow, lift, and pressure. Disassemble and repair various types of marine pumps.
- Understand and apply applicable standards in system design, installation and repair of A-7 liquid and solid fueled boat heating systems; H-32 ventilation of boats using diesel fuel; H-33 diesel fuel systems; A-26 LPG and CNG fueled appliances.
- Have a working knowledge of ABYC standard A-24 carbon monoxide detection systems and standard A-1 marine liquefied petroleum gas systems.
- Diagnose and repair common starting problems of marine engines; perform typical tune-up procedures on conventional breaker point ignition systems.
- Diagnose cooling system problems, and perform mechanical preventative maintenance on the cooling system.
- Repair damaged inboard drivetrain components by replacing components, including transmissions, motor mounts, propeller shafts, shaft couplings, propellers, struts, and shaft bearings.
- Perform basic tune-up procedures on outboard motors, including compression testing, spark testing and fuel delivery tests.
- Perform cooling system service including removing and replacing water pump impellers.
Entry into the Program
Please contact Enrollment Services or Department Chair, Mike Beemer, mike.beemer@skagit.edu, 360.766.6282 ext. 3003, for more information about program certificate and degree options and admission requirements. Students may also visit the Skagit Valley College Marine Maintenance Technology program co-located at the Northwest Career and Technical Academy, Marine Technology Center, in Anacortes, Washington.
Tech Prep
Please see Non-Degree Programs for information regarding Tech Prep.
Work-Based Learning
Students will integrate their classroom learning with work-based learning experience in Cooperative Education (MT 199 ) at a supervised work site.
Marine Technician Certificate
A Marine Technician Certificate is awarded upon completion of certificate courses. All coursework must be 100-level or above with both an overall 2.0 grade point average and a minimum 2.0 grade in each Marine Technology course.
Associate in Technical Arts Degree
An Associate in Technical Arts degree (ATA) is awarded upon completion of a minimum of 90 credits and related general education coursework. All coursework must be 100-level or above with both an overall 2.0 grade point average and a minimum 2.0 grade in each Marine Technology course.
Program Certificate
A Certificate in Marine Maintenance Technology is awarded to students who complete the following courses with a minimum 2.0 grade in each course.
Marine Maintenance Technology Degrees and Courses
ProgramsCoursesMarine Maintenance Technology
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