2016-2017 Catalog SVC [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
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Program Description
The Nursing (NURS) program at Skagit Valley College (SVC) prepares students for a lifelong career in nursing practice. Nursing is one of the most diverse and exciting careers in today’s health care field. It provides unlimited opportunities and intangible benefits for those who enter the profession. Nurses are employed in a variety of settings including hospitals, extended care centers, home health care agencies, physicians’ offices, mental health facilities, and corrections. New technologies are continually developing in the health care field, offering exciting and challenging career opportunities.
Nursing is a demanding, rewarding profession that requires strong communication skills, excellent problem-solving abilities, focused concentration when performing a task, attention to detail, the ability to work well with others, and extensive knowledge of the sciences.
Programs/Campus Options
The Nursing programs at SVC are offered at two campus locations: Mount Vernon Campus and Whidbey Island Campus located in Oak Harbor. The following nursing programs are available at these campus locations:
Mount Vernon Campus
- Registered Nurse (RN) - Full-Time
- Nursing Assistant (NURS 120 )
Whidbey Island Campus
- 2nd Year RN (Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) to RN)
- Practical Nurse - full-time
- Nursing Assistant (NURS 100 )
Skagit Valley College’s nursing programs (RN and PN) are approved by the Washington State Department of Health Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission (NCQAC). The RN program is nationally accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN). For further information, contact the organizations directly:
- NCQAC - 111 Israel Road SE, Tumwater, WA 98501; 360.236.4700; www.doh.wa.gov
- ACEN - 3343 Peachtree Road, NE, Suite 850, Atlanta, GA 30326; (404) 975-5000; www.acenursing.org
Nursing Curriculum and Graduate Outcomes
The curriculum includes a strong foundation in communication, biological and social sciences, general education and nursing courses. Students integrate theory and practice throughout the nursing program by combining their classroom work with skills laboratory and clinical experiences. The curriculum design reflects the nursing mission, philosophy, and program objectives. Faculty adopted the NLN Core Components and Competencies for Associate Degree Graduates (NLN 2010) as the organizing framework for the program. Each component was defined by SVC faculty and competencies for each course and for SVC ADN students were developed. The curriculum design provides the foundation for nursing theory course content, laboratory experiences on campus, laboratory experiences in clinical setting, and evaluation of student learning.
The goal of the Nursing Program at Skagit Valley College is to educate students to practice nursing within varied health care settings. Nursing education will assist the student to promote optimal level of health and wellness for the individual, family and community.
Program Learning Outcomes
The nursing philosophy supports the student learner outcomes of Human Flourishing, Nursing Judgment, Professional Identity and Spirit of Inquiry
Graduates of the Nursing DTA/MRP RN program will be able to:
- Human Flourishing: Advocate for patients and families in ways that promote their self-determination, integrity, and ongoing growth as human beings.
- Nursing Judgment: Make judgments in practice, substantiated with evidence, that integrate nursing science in the provision of safe, quality care and promote the health of patients within a family and community context.
- Professional Identity: Implement one’s role as a nurse in ways that reflect integrity, responsibility, ethical practices, and an evolving identity as a nurse committed to evidence-based practice, caring, advocacy, and safe, quality care for diverse patients within a family and community context.
- Spirit of Inquiry: Examine the evidence that underlies clinical nursing practice to challenge the status quo, question underlying assumptions, and offer new insights to improve the quality of care for patients, families, and communities.
The nursing process is foundational to the curricular framework defined by the National League for Nursing (2010) and adopted by Skagit Valley College ADN program. The nursing process consists of Assessment, Diagnosis, Planning, Implementation and Evaluation.
Nursing Program Website
For the most current overview about the Nursing program, specific program admission requirements, application documents, and deadlines go to SVC’s website at www.skagit.edu/nursing.
Program Entry: RN Degree
Enrollment is limited in all nursing programs. Admission into the Registered Nursing Program is based on a competitive/selective process. Students interested in Nursing will be placed in the Pre-Nursing DTA/MRP program until acceptance into the Nursing program, at which time Students will automatically be moved to the Nursing DTA/MRP degree path.
All interested students must meet minimum qualifications in order to be considered for admission. It is recommended that students attend a program information session to get questions answered and meet a pre-nursing advisor. Applicant’s to the nursing program must be a high school graduate or have passed the General Education Equivalency (GED®) exam.
Students seeking admission to any of the Nursing programs must first apply for admission to Skagit Valley College indicating the nursing program as your area of interest. Admission to the college does not guarantee acceptance into a specific nursing program. Determine your placement in Math and English. In addition, applicants to the PN program must have a current Nursing Assistant Certification (CNA), while applicants to the 2nd year RN (LPN to RN) program must either hold an active Washington State Practical Nurse License (LPN) or meet the approved equivalent coursework of the first year of the RN program. The minimum qualifications and program prerequisites for the LPN to RN program are the same as those stated for the RN program. Students will also need to submit a completed Nursing Admissions Application form/packet with all appropriate documentation by the deadline indicated.
For a more detailed overview about the Nursing program, specific program admission requirements, application documents, and deadlines go to SVC’s website: www.skagit.edu/nursing.
All interested students must meet minimum academic qualifications in order to be considered for admission. Minimum qualifications include:
Note: NUTR& 101 must be completed prior to starting the RN Program. Deadline date for completion are:
Quarter Applying For: |
Date Nutrition Must Be Completed By: |
Fall Quarter 2016 |
Summer Quarter 2016 |
Spring Quarter 2017 |
Winter Quarter 2017 |
Fall Quarter 2017 |
Spring Quarter 2017 |
The Following General Education Requirements Must be Completed Prior to Graduation:
- ENGL& 102 (Composition II) recommended, or CMST& 220 (Public Speaking)
- 10 credits of Humanities
- Please see a counselor/advisor for a list of approved courses
Program Entry: Practical Nurse Certificate
Admission into SVC’s Practical Nursing Program is limited. Students are selected for admission to the Practical Nursing program from the program wait list. All interested students must meet minimum qualifications in order to be considered for admission. Students seeking admission to the Practical Nursing Program must first apply for admission to Skagit Valley College. Admission to the college does not guarantee acceptance into the Nursing Program. Determine your placement in math and English. Applicant’s to the nursing program must be a high school graduate or have passed the General Education Equivalency (GED®) exam. To make application to the PN program wait list, students must complete all prerequisites (see list below) with ‘C’ or better grades and hold a current CNA certification. PN Wait List Application Packets are accepted throughout the year. Questions about the requirements or application process should contact the PN program assistant.
Prerequisites for Entry: C or better grades in the following courses
- Current CNA
- A & P for LPN (NURS 136), or
- Human A & P I (BIOL& 241 ) and Human A & P II (BIOL& 242 ), or
- A & P for Medical Assistant (AHE 106 )
- English Composition I (ENGL& 101 )
- HMATH 100
- Nursing Assistant/AIDS Education (NURS 100 ) and current Nurse Aide Certification
- Students may request a waiver for NURS 100 if they have a current Nurse Aide Certification.
Note: Effective Fall 2017, PN Prerequisites May Change. Students Are Strongly Encouraged to Consult with Their Nursing Advisor.
Once accepted into any of the nursing programs, and prior to course registration, the following verifications must be provided:
- Required immunizations (see website for current list)
- Pass both an Illegal Substance-Drug Screen and Criminal Background check
- Professional Liability and Malpractice Insurance (cost is included in student fees)
- Medical Insurance coverage for injury/sickness (strongly recommended)
- Attend a nursing intake session following notification of acceptance
Upon successful completion of the nursing certificate or degree program, Nursing program graduates are eligible to take the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN) for registered nursing or (NCLEX-PN) for practical nursing that is offered by the Washington State Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission. This computerized examination is individually scheduled at designated testing sites. Successful completion of the examination is required to be licensed as a registered nurse (RN) or practical nurse (LPN). Passing a national licensing exam from the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCLEX-PN for LPN and NCLEX-RN for RN) is required prior to working in the field, or pursuing advanced training and education (BSN, etc.).
Re-entry to Nursing Program
Students requesting re-entry to the Registered Nursing (full or part-time) or PN programs must fulfill current readmission requirements as specified by the SVC Nursing Admissions Policy. Readmission is based on a space-available basis. A student who has a program interruption may be required to repeat some, if not all, nursing program courses if there have been curriculum changes or if the interruption has lasted greater than one year. Students will not be allowed to reenter the SVC Registered Nursing Program at either campus more than once. An exception will be made for student withdrawal due to military service.
Nursing Assistant Certificate
The Nursing Assistant program prepares students for employment as NA’s in hospitals, clinics, long-term care facilities, and home healthcare agencies. Graduates of the program are eligible to take the National Nurse Aide Assessment Program (NNAAP) examination in Washington State to become a Certified Nursing Assistant.
The Nursing Assistant program is a Washington State approved one quarter course. The course includes lecture, skills lab and direct patient care under the supervision of clinical nursing instructors. Students must attend all scheduled classes and clinical experiences to meet State certification requirements. Students must perform in a safe and competent manner in the clinical area, complying with OBRA guidelines. Failure to do so may prevent the student from receiving a certificate.
Students gain knowledge and learn skills caring for patients of various age groups during acute and chronic stages of disease, surgery, and rehabilitation, as well as how to maintain health during the normal aging process. Included in the curriculum are patients’ rights, basic bedside nursing skills, patient/personal safety, HIPAA and HIV/AIDS education. Skills are practiced in the program laboratory. Clinical experience occurs in acute hospitals and/or skilled nursing facilities.
Schedule Options
Skagit Valley College offers two campus options in the NURSING ASSISTANT program certificate. The following information will inform you about the options, admission requirements, application process, and deadlines.
Credits |
Program Length |
Admission/Campus |
13 |
1 quarter |
MV |
8 |
1 quarter |
All quarters/WIC |
It is the student’s responsibility to discuss sequencing and work out their individual schedule with a counselor or program advisor. Any developmental or prerequisite courses a student is required to complete may add additional quarters toward program completion.
Nursing 120 - Mount Vernon Campus (13 credits)
The Nursing Assistant (N120) program prepares students for employment as Nursing Assistants in hospitals, clinics, long-term care facilities, and home healthcare agencies. Additionally, this program prepares students for continuation on into practical, registered nursing and medical assisting programs. Students will receive a certificate for American Heart Healthcare Provider CPR, bloodborne pathogen training, First Aid, disaster preparedness and the seven hour HIV/AIDS training certificate. Exam Preparation is incorporated to help students take the nursing assistant certification in Washington State. This is a Washington State approved, one quarter course requiring 132 hours of classroom instruction and 66 hours of clinical experience. Students must attend all scheduled classes and clinical experiences to meet State certification requirements. This program is available on the Mount Vernon Campus only.
Mount Vernon Campus Schedule
NURS 120 is offered on the Mount Vernon campus. Classes are held Monday and Wednesday 12:30PM -5:30PM and Friday 8:30AM - 5:30PM. Several long-term care facilities are used for clinical experiences. Attendance at the first day of class is mandatory.
Nursing 100 - Whidbey Island Campus (8 credits)
The Nursing Assistant program (NURS 100 ) prepares students for employment as Nursing Assistants in hospitals, clinics, long-term care facilities, and home healthcare agencies. Additionally, this program prepares students for continuation on into practical or registered nurse programs. Graduates of the program are eligible to take the Washington State competency examination to become a Certified Nursing Assistant. This is a Washington State approved, one quarter course offered afternoon and evenings, requiring 44 hours of classroom instruction, 22 hours of lab, and 66 hours of clinical experience. Students must attend all scheduled classes and clinical experiences to meet State certification requirements. This program is available on the Whidbey Island Campus only.
Whidbey Island Campus Schedule
NURS 100 is offered every quarter. Classes are held on Wednesdays 12:30 PM - 3:45 PM (day class), or 5:00 PM - 8:15 PM (evening class). Campus labs are Fridays and/or Saturdays by arrangement. Clinicals are scheduled approximately during the third to seventh week of the quarter. Clinicals are held at long-term care facilities. Clinicals and campus labs are arranged on the first day/evening of class. Clinical times and dates vary with alternating days and evening shifts, including weekends. (Verify the days and times with the current quarterly schedule located on the SVC web site.)
Entry into the NA Program
Students seeking admission to the Nursing Assistant program must first apply for admission to Skagit Valley College. Admission to the college does not guarantee acceptance into the NA course or any other nursing program. Students must be 18 to take the state exam and receive NA certification. Students need to be aware they must attend all scheduled classes and clinical times to meet State certification requirements.
Mount Vernon Campus
Permission is required for the Mount Vernon Campus.
Contact: Susan LaFave, Program Assistant | 360.416.7933
Whidbey Island Campus
Registration is on a first-come, first registered basis.
Contact: Cleo Franklin, Program Assistant | 360.679.5323
Background Check
Pursuant to the requirements of 1987 Washington Laws, Chapter 496, students must fill out a Washington State Patrol background check/disclosure statement. The results of the disclosure search may prevent the student from completing the Nursing Assistant course. For more information about “disqualifying crimes,” please read/review the Licensing Eligibility/Disqualifying Crimes document located on page 18) If you anticipate problems answering any of these questions, please consult with a Nursing program counselor/advisor.
You should also be aware that some clinical facilities are fingerprinting students for federal background checks and are randomly screening for drug usage. A criminal history may impact your ability to both attend a clinical class at selected clinical sites and receive a Washington State nursing license. If you have a criminal history it is important that you determine the impact this will have on your choice of a career. The results of the disclosure search may prevent the student from completing the Nursing Assistant course. For more information about “disqualifying crimes,” please go to the Nursing program home page at SVC web
Required Immunizations
Prior to participating in any clinical experience, students must show proof of:
Mount Vernon Campus
- Negative TB test, OR chest x-ray and clearance by Health Care Provider. Students must provide documentation to the instructor the first week of class.
- CPR Card certification is included in the Nursing 120 course.
Whidbey Island Campus
- Negative TB test, OR chest x-ray and clearance by Health Care Provider. Details will be provided during the first week of class.
- Current Adult CPR card. If pursuing entrance into the LPN or RN programs, a current American Heart Association Health Care Provider CPR card is required. A CPR card received through an internet-based training program is not acceptable for this program.
Nursing Degrees and Courses
ProgramsCoursesNursing- NURS 100 - Nursing Assistant/AIDS Education
- NURS 101 - Nursing Fundamentals I
- NURS 102 - Nursing Fundamentals II
- NURS 103 - Nursing Care Medical-Surgical-Obstet Patients I
- NURS 104 - Nursing Care Medical-Surgical-Obstet Patients II
- NURS 105 - Nursing Care Multi Medical-Surgical Patients I
- NURS 106 - Nursing Care Multi Medical-Surgical Patients II
- NURS 107 - Advanced Medical-Surgical Nursing I
- NURS 108 - Advanced Medical-Surgical Nursing II
- NURS 109 - Nurse Care Medical-Surgical-Obstet Practicum I
- NURS 110 - Nurse Care Medical-Surgical-Obstet Practicum II
- NURS 111 - Nurse Care Multidi Medical-Surgical Practicum I
- NURS 112 - Nurse Care Multidi Medical-Surgical Practicum II
- NURS 113 - Advanced Medical-Surgical Nursing I
- NURS 114 - Advanced Medical-Surgical Nursing II
- NURS 115 - Nursing Assistant/Pre-Certificate Refresher
- NURS 120 - Nursing Assistant Certified (NAC)
- NURS 161 - Fundamentals of Nursing w Practicum (MV RN): D
- NURS 162 - Nursing Care Adult /Child Practicum I (MV RN)
- NURS 163 - Nursing Care of Adult & Child w. Practicum II (MV RN)
- NURS 171 - Nursing Fundamentals-Skills & Pract:D (lecture)
- NURS 172 - Nursing Fundamentals-Skills & Pract:D (clinical)
- NURS 173 - Nursing Fundamentals-Skills & Pract:D (lab)
- NURS 181 - Nursing M/S Patient-Practicum (lecture)
- NURS 182 - Nursing M/S Patient-Practicum (clinical)
- NURS 191 - Nursing OB, Pediatrics, M/S-Skls Prac (lecture)
- NURS 192 - Nursing OB, Pediatrics, M/S-Skls Prac (clinical)
- NURS 201 - Nursing Care Adult/Child Practicum III
- NURS 202 - Nursing Adult/Child IV
- NURS 203 - Nursing Adult/Child Practicum V
- NURS 211 - Nursing Advncd OB, Pediatrics, M/S-Skills Prac
- NURS 212 - Nursing Complex M/S & Geriatric Patient
- NURS 213 - Entry into Nursing Practice and Practicum
- NURS 271 - Nursing Advncd OB, Ped, M/S-Skls Prac (lecture)
- NURS 272 - Nursing Advncd OB, Ped, M/S-Skls Prac (clinical)
- NURS 273 - Nursing Advncd OB, Ped, M/S-Skls Prac (lab)
- NURS 274 - Nursing Advncd OB, Ped, M/S-Skls Prac (lecture 1)
- NURS 275 - Nursing Advncd OB, Ped, M/S-Skls Prac (clinical 1)
- NURS 276 - Nursing Advncd OB, Ped, M/S-Skls Prac (lab 1)
- NURS 277 - Nursing Advncd OB, Ped, M/S-Skls Prac (lecture 2)
- NURS 278 - Nursing Advncd OB, Ped, M/S-Skls Prac (clinical 2)
- NURS 279 - Nursing Advncd OB, Ped, M/S-Skls Prac (lab 2)
- NURS 281 - Nursing Complx M/S & Geriatric Patient (lecture)
- NURS 282 - Nursing Complx M/S & Geriatric Patient(clinical)
- NURS 284 - Nursing Complx M/S & Geriatric Patient (lecture 1)
- NURS 285 - Nursing Complx M/S & Geriatric Patient (clinical 1)
- NURS 287 - Nursing Complx M/S & Geriatric Patient (lecture 2)
- NURS 288 - Nursing Complx M/S & Geriatric Patient (clinical 2)
- NURS 291 - Entry Nursing Practice/Practicum (lecture)
- NURS 292 - Entry Nursing Practice/Practicum (clinical)
- NURS 294 - Entry into Nursing Practice and Practicum (lecture 1)
- NURS 295 - Entry into Nursing Practice and Practicum 2 (clinical 1)
- NURS 297 - Nursing Adult/Child Practicum V (lecture 2)
- NURS 298 - Nursing Care of the Adult/Child IV (clinical 2)
- NURS 1011 - Nursing Fundamentals I (Lecture)
- NURS 1012 - Nursing Fundamentals I (Lab)
- NURS 1021 - Nursing Fundamentals II (Lecture)
- NURS 1022 - Nursing Fundamentals II (Lab)
- NURS 1023 - Nursing Fundamentals II (Clinical)
- NURS 1611 - Fundamentals of Nursing w/Practicum (Lecture MV RN): D
- NURS 1612 - Fundamentals of Nursing w Practicum (Lab MV RN): D
- NURS 1613 - Fundamentals Nursing Practicum (Clin MV RN): D
- NURS 1621 - Nursing Care Adult /Child Practicum I (Lecture MV RN)
- NURS 1623 - Nursing Care of Adult & Child w. Practicum I (Clinical MV RN)
- NURS 1631 - Nursing Care of Adult & Child w. Practicum II (Lecture MV RN)
- NURS 1633 - Nursing Care Adult/Child Practicum II (Clinical MV RN)
- NURS 2011 - Nursing Care Adult/Child Practicum III (Lecture MV RN)
- NURS 2012 - Nursing Care Adult/Child Practicum III (Lab MV RN)
- NURS 2013 - Nursing Care Adult/Child Practicum III (Clinical MV RN)
- NURS 2021 - Nursing Adult/Child IV (Lecture MV RN)
- NURS 2023 - Nursing Adult/Child IV (Clinical MV RN)
- NURS 2031 - Nursing Adult/Child Practicum V (Lecture MV RN)
- NURS 2032 - Nursing Adult/Child Practicum V (Clinical MV RN)
- NURS 2131 - Nursing Adult/Child Practicum V-Part 1
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