2017-2018 Catalog SVC [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
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Biology courses at Skagit Valley College are designed to prepare students for careers in health fields or future work in research or industry. Classes are offered in a variety of science areas, from marine biology and environmental sciences, to anatomy and physiology and microbiology. Biology majors should take Majors Ecology and Evolution (BIOL& 221 ), Majors Cellular and Molecular (BIOL& 222 ), and Majors Physiology (BIOL& 223 ) as a full-year sequence. Biology majors should meet with a faculty advisor quarterly.
Pre-nursing students should take the sequence of General Biology (BIOL& 160 ), Anatomy and Physiology I (BIOL& 241 ), Anatomy and Physiology II (BIOL& 242 ), and Microbiology (BIOL& 260 ). CHEM& 121 or CHEM& 161 is a prerequisite for BIOL& 160 . Prenursing students should meet with a faculty advisor quarterly.
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