2017-2018 Catalog SVC [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
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Program Description
The Chemistry program at Skagit Valley College is designed to serve the diverse needs of the community by inspiring students with an interest in discovery and a desire for lifelong learning, as well as by promoting critical thinking skills. The Chemistry program provides solid foundations in general chemistry (CHEM& 121 , CHEM& 161 , CHEM& 162 , and CHEM& 163 ) and organic chemistry (CHEM& 131 , CHEM& 241 , CHEM& 242 , and CHEM& 243 ) for students majoring in science, engineering, nursing, and environmental science. CHEM& 121 and CHEM& 131 form a series designed for health and environmental sciences students. The CHEM& 160 series is designed for science and engineering majors. The CHEM& 200 series is designed for science majors. All include lab work. Non-science majors with an interest in chemistry should take CHEM& 105 or CHEM& 110 which are excellent classes for those with no chemistry experience to take in preparation for other chemistry courses. CHEM& 105 is a non-lab course and CHEM& 110 includes a lab.
Degrees Options
Science Transfer AS-T
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