Feb 17, 2025
2020-2021 Catalog SVC [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Biology, Direct Transfer Agreement/MRP, Planning Guide
Program Overview
The Associate in Biology Direct Transfer Agreement/Major Related Program degree is intended to prepare students to transfer to Washington’s public four-year colleges and universities and many private colleges with junior standing and the majority of the prerequisites for a Biology major completed. Selecting and planning courses with a science advisor is strongly recommended to ensure a seamless transition to a Biology major program at a specific university or four-year college. Students are encouraged to check with the transfer institution early in their decision process to confirm degree requirements of baccalaureate college of choice. Notes on Application to a University or College - Admission application deadlines vary; students must meet the deadline for the university or universities to which they plan to apply for transfer admission.
- Certain schools may have additional ―university-specific requirements that are not prerequisites to admission to the Biology major, but will need to be completed prior to graduation. Contact with advisors from individual schools for institutional requirements is highly recommended since this DTA may not meet every institution-specific graduation requirement.
- Certain schools may have additional ―university-specific requirements for admission to the institution that are not prerequisites specifically identified in the DTA requirements.
If you are considering a major in Biology and transferring to one of the following universities: our Transfer Program Planning Guide is designed to provide you with recommended courses to complete your Biology Direct Transfer/MRP degree. The Biology Major Related Program (MRP) helps prepare you to transfer by requiring specific courses in the first two years that can reduce the time it takes to complete the bachelor’s degree in Biology. Of course, educational plans may vary, based on which quarter you begin, how many credits are taken, placement into Math and English, and your preferred transfer institution. Program Map
Program Maps are an integral part of our Planning Guide. Each Program Map includes a suggested quarterly sequence of courses so you could earn your degree within two years of full-time study. Your Program Map is also designed to help you create an individualized, customized Educational Plan, which is required of all SVC students. To start creating your Educational Plan, please consult with an Academic Advisor. Program Map - Biology DTA/MRP Degree Requirements
Students must complete a minimum of 90 credits in transferable courses numbered 100 or above which include General Education courses with a cumulative GPA of 2.0. At least 25 college-level credits must be earned at SVC with a minimum GPA of 2.0. Additional General Education Requirement (GERs) must be completed at the four-year school where the student transfers. 1. First Quarter Experience (2 cr.)
2. Communications Skills (10 cr.)
3. Quantitative Skills (5 cr.)
- MATH& 151 - Calculus I or MATH& 146
Note: Students are encouraged to check with the transfer institution early in their decision process to confirm requirements. 4. Integrative Learning Experiences
- Two Integrative Learning Experiences (ILE) are required. One ILE must be a Learning Community. The second ILE may be another Learning Community or an Integrative Experience.
- A Learning Community (LC) is the integrated combination of two or more courses from different areas of inquiry (e.g. sociology and literature, or physics and math, or speech and economics, or composition and philosophy). Learning Communities are indicated in the course schedule.
- Integrative Experiences (IEs) are curricular or co-curricular experiences designed by faculty in which students demonstrate their ability to integrate information, concepts, analytical frameworks, and skills from two or more areas of inquiry in a purposeful project or experience. Integrative Experiences that are classes are indicated in the course schedule; co-curricular IEs are indicated in promotion and advising for the experience or project. Students may design a Learning into Action IE under the guidance of the supervising faculty member.
Note: Learning Communities specifically designed for this degree may be offered; consult your advisor for information. 5. Diversity Requirement
At least one Diversity Intensive course is required. Students should use the SVC online quarterly class schedule search or consult their faculty advisor or counselor to identify courses that fulfill this requirement. 6. Distribution Requirements (60 cr.)
Select credits from three areas of study: Natural Science, Social Science and Humanities. These courses may also satisfy Integrative Learning Experience requirements. A specific course may be credited toward no more than one distribution requirement. Go to Distribution Lists - AA-DTA for a full selection of eligible courses. Natural Sciences (30 cr.)
Students should take the full year sequences at a single college. Social Sciences (15 cr.)
Students are encouraged to consult with their faculty advisor or counselor regarding the SVC courses that best support or may be required as prerequisites to their Biology curriculum at their intended transfer college. Select courses from the Associate in Arts-Direct Transfer Agreement degree Social Science distribution list from at least two disciplines, with no more than 10 credits from one discipline. These courses may also satisfy Integrative Learning Experience requirements. Humanities (15 cr.)
Students are encouraged to consult with their faculty advisor or counselor regarding the SVC courses that best support or may be required as prerequisites to their Biology curriculum at their intended transfer college. Select courses from the Associate in Arts-Direct Transfer Agreement degree Humanities distribution list from at least two disciplines, with no more than 10 credits from one discipline. These courses may also satisfy Interdisciplinary course requirements. No more than 5 credits may be applied in world languages at the 100 level. No more than 5 cr. may be applied in performance/skill studio courses. 7. Electives (15 -18 cr.)
Electives allow students to include additional courses to prepare for the biology major based college selection. Examples include a full year sequence of organic chemistry for majors; a full year sequence of physics for science majors; or further math at the pre-calculus level or above or statistics. Students should check with the transfer institution prior to taking any further biology courses beyond the one-year sequence. Some colleges require all continuing biology courses be taken at the 300 level. A maximum of five non-transferable Gray Area Course credits my be applied toward the 90-credit minimum for the degree. Full year sequence of organic chemistry for majors:
Or full year sequence of physics for science majors:
Or math prerequisites for calculus and statistics: