Feb 17, 2025  
2020-2021 Catalog SVC 
2020-2021 Catalog SVC [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Fire Service Administration, Associate in Applied Science-Transfer, Planning Guide

Program Overview

This degree provides the academic foundation for advancement in fire service organizations. The degree is well suited for firefighters and line officers who seek to possess a strong academic foundation in their current position and/or promotional advancement opportunity into supervisory or administrative positions.

The FSA degree is intended to prepare students to transfer to four-year colleges/universities with junior standing and with the prerequisites for their emergency service major completed.

An Associate in Applied Science Transfer degree (AAS-T) is awarded upon completion of a minimum of 90 credits of specified technical and related education course work above the 100 level, with both an overall 2.0 grade point average and a 2.0 grade point average in the technical major.

Sample Career Options Include:

Municipal Fire Fighting & Prevention Supervisors
Forest Fire Fighting & Prevention Supervisors
Fire Inspectors
Fire Investigators


If you are interested in working in the field of Fire Service Administration, our Workforce Planning Guide is designed to provide you with recommended courses to complete your Fire Service Administration , AAS degree. Of course, educational plans may vary, based on which quarter you begin, how many credits are taken, and placement into Math and English. To keep you on the best pathway, we encourage you to consult with an Academic Advisor for scheduling options.

Program Map

Program Maps are an integral part of our Planning Guide. Each Program Map includes a suggested quarterly sequence of courses so you could earn your degree within two years of full-time study. Your Program Map is also designed to help you create an individualized, customized Educational Plan, which is required of all SVC students. To start creating your Educational Plan, please consult with an Academic Advisor.

Program Map - Fire Service Administration, AAS-T  

Degree Requirements

Students must complete a minimum of 90 quarter credits in transferable courses numbered 100 or above with a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 in order to graduate from SVC with an AAS-T Fire Service Administration degree. At least 25 college-level credits must be earned at SVC. Credits must satisfy course requirements listed below.

First Quarter Experience (2 cr.)

Quantitative Skills (5 cr.)

Diversity Requirement

At least one Diversity Intensive course is required. Students should use the SVC online quarterly class schedule search or consult their faculty advisor or counselor to identify courses that fulfill this requirement.

Distribution Requirements (45 cr.)

Natural Science
Social Science

Work with your advisor to select the appropriate distribution courses for your area of interest and chosen bachelor degree transfer.

Firefighter Internship (2 cr.)