Mar 07, 2025  
2023-2024 Catalog SVC 
2023-2024 Catalog SVC [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Multimedia, Web Designer, AAS


Multimedia & Interactive Technology (MIT) is a two-year program that leads to an Associate in Applied Science Degree, AAS. A wide array of interactive media products and services are in high demand. The MIT program prepares students to meet this demand by offering training in web design, graphic arts, digital photography/videography, social media, and game and app development. The Web Designer AAS degree and all but one of the certificates are available entirely online.

Sample Career Options

Degree Intent and Transfer Options

Upon completion, Workforce degrees and/or certificates are intended to give students the skills needed to move directly into employment. While these degrees are not intended to transfer to a university, students will be eligible to apply for admission to Skagit Valley College’s Bachelor of Applied Science - Management (BASM) degree  and, in some cases, could transfer to other schools. If you are interested in continuing your education by entering a bachelor’s degree program, please work closely with your Academic Advisor and Department Chair.

Program Map

Program Maps are an integral part of the Planning Guide. Each Program Map includes a recommended quarterly sequence of courses for a full-time student to earn this degree within two years. The courses align with the appropriate number of credits to meet degree requirements and is designed to help you create an individualized, customized Educational Plan, required of all SVC students. Please consult with an SVC Advisor to schedule courses and develop your personal Educational Plan.

90 credits

First Year

Second Year

Total Credits: 15

Total Credits: 15

6th Quarter

Total Credits: 13+


† Students who do not receive an appropriate test score will require additional coursework to develop necessary skills for entry into class. 

MIT 199  may be taken at any time after the second quarter with Department Chair approval.

^ or PE 200  or a valid CPR/First Aid certification from an approved provider