2017-2018 Catalog SVC [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Technical Arts, ATA
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The Associate in Technical Arts (ATA) degree is designed for students who are preparing to enter a career field. Although certain courses in this degree may transfer to baccalaureate institutions, you are advised that many courses in this degree are not usually transferable because of their specialized nature. If you are interested in continuing your studies after earning the ATA degree, consult with a counselor or the department chair as well as your intended transfer institution for specific transfer options available to you. A list of professional/technical transfer agreements follows. Degree Requirements
To graduate from SVC with an Associate in Technical Arts Degree, you must complete a minimum of 90 credits with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 including a technical major and related education requirements. At least 25 core program credits must be earned at SVC with a minimum GPA of 2.0. Your major must have approval of the Dean of Professional/Technical Education and the Department Chair of your technical field. To receive an Associate in Technical Arts Degree, you must satisfy requirements listed as follows: Course with an ampersand (&) are Common Course Numbering courses. Technical Major-Related Instruction
Requirements for each technical major are listed by department. 1. First Quarter Experience (2 cr.)
2. Communication Skills (3-5 cr.)
- English 101 or 170 , or another specific communication course as designated by the Professional/Technical department chair.
- Specific course options in this category are designated within each major. Communication Studies &210 , 125 (3-5 cr.) or another specific communication course as designated by the Professional/Technical department chair.
3. Computational Skills (5 cr.)
- Professional Technical Applied Math (WMATH 100 ) (5 cr.). Alternate courses of an equal or higher number may be substituted in some majors.
4. Physical Education (2 cr.)
5. Human Relations Skills (3-5 cr.)
6. Cooperative Ed. (1-15 cr.)
Cooperative Education courses are listed as 199 courses. You will complete 30 hours of work at a supervised site for each credit received. Concurrent enrollment in Cooperative Education seminars or equivalent is required. You may earn from 1 to 15 credits toward this degree requirement. Approval of the dept. chair is required for enrollment in all 199 courses. See program for specific requirements. 7. Diversity Requirement
A Diversity Intensive course or group of courses that offers a minimum total of 30 contact hours of diversity intensive experience. Students should consult with their faculty advisor or counselor to identify the appropriate course or group of courses that fulfills this requirement. Professional/Technical ATA and AAS-T Transfer Agreements
Central Washington University Information Technology and Administrative Management: accepts all SVC Professional/Technical ATA and AAS‑T degrees for transfer subject to CWU-ITAM general admissions criteria. Accepts Early Childhood Education and Environmental Conservation AAS-T degrees for transfer. Other ATA degree program transcripts are individually reviewed for transferability and BA completion requirements. Early Childhood Education ATA and AAS-T BS Fire Services Administration Program. Accepts SVC Fire Protection Technology ATA degree for transfer. Child Studies: Early Childhood Education ATA and AAS-T. Accepts the following ATA and AAS-T degrees for transfer as “upside down” degree at TESC: Business Management, Computer Information Systems, Criminal Justice, Early Childhood Education, Electronics Engineering Technology, Electronics Technology, Environmental Conservation, and Human Services. Diesel Power Technology Human Services Generalist or Human Services Chemical Dependency Emphasis ATA degrees Environmental Conservation AAS-T Reviews each AAS-T and ATA degree program individually for transferability and BA completion requirements. Nursing ATA Environmental Conservation AAS-T Early Childhood Education AAS-T Accepts SVC Engineering Technician ATA degree. Early Childhood Education AAS-T and ATA Accepts any SVC ATA degree that is also offered as an academic major at WWU. Professional/Technical Certificates
The Professional/Technical Certificate represents a planned sequence of courses which prepares students for entry into a technical field of employment. All professional/technical certificate programs emphasize the technical major and related instruction in communications, computation and human relations skills in the curriculum. Upon completion of coursework, the certificate must be approved by the Dean for Professional/Technical Education and the Department Chair. Professional/Technical Certificates are listed within each professional/technical department. Micro-Certificates of Completion
Micro-Certificates of Completion are designed for taking courses over a short-term period of time focusing on a specific skill within an existing Professional/Technical program. Individual Technical Certificates
The Individual Technical Certificate may be available to students who wish to design their own program to meet a specific career goal. An Individual Technical Certificate Contract must be approved IN ADVANCE by the Department Chair and/or appropriate dean. After completion of the certificate, the student must notify the Dean of Student Services. For more information, contact Counseling and Career Services or the Vice President of Student Services’ Office. Other Certificates & Diplomas
HS21+ Adult High School Diploma
The HS21+ Adult High School Diploma is a competency based high school completion program for adults 21 years of age or older who do not have a high school diploma. Demonstration of competencies which meet high school requirements in English, Math, Social Science, Science, Fine Arts, Occupational Education, and PE may be met through high school and college coursework and/or prior learning gained from work, life, and/or military experience. Unmet requirements may be achieved through additional coursework. Students seeking a HS21+ diploma must enroll in HSC 010 - HS21+ Portfolio for evaluation of competencies and development of a HS21+ completion plan. Persons with a GED® may pursue a HS21+ Diploma. The cost of the program is $25.00 per quarter. Adult High School Diploma
If you are 19 or over and do not have a high school diploma, you may earn one at SVC by completing high school requirements with college coursework. Minimum residency for this diploma is five credits and one quarter of attendance. Upon the successful completion of requirements, students will receive an Adult High School Diploma. Non-high school graduates who are under 19 may apply with the recommendation of a high school principal. Full tuition and fees apply. Contact SVC’s Counseling and Career Services for further information. Certificate of Educational Competence (GED®)
The State Superintendent of Public Instruction has authorized Skagit Valley College as an official testing agency to give the General Educational Development GED® test to qualified applicants. This is a nationally used test for people who do not have a high school diploma. Upon satisfactory completion of such tests, the State Superintendent will issue a Certificate of Educational Competency, Grade 12. If you would like to take the GED® test, contact Counseling and Career Services. To help prepare for the tests, you may enroll in College and Career Bridge classes (see Basic Education for Adults - College and Career Bridge, Ch. 7). Anyone 19 years of age or older is eligible for the testing program; a testing fee is required (see Fees, Chapter 3). People under the age of 19 may test for the GED® with the approval of their high school. Classes are available in the Basic Education for Adults Unit to help students prepare for the GED®. Skagit Open Doors Youth Re-engagement
Skagit Open Doors is a youth high school completion program through collaboration with Skagit County School Districts, the Northwest Career and Technical Academy (NCTA) and Skagit Valley College. The intent of the program is to serve 16 - 21 year old youth living in a partner school district who: - Have maintained their enrollment in the School District but will not graduate in their cohort year because they have not accrued enough credits to graduate on time.
- Will age out before they graduate with a diploma.
- Left school without a diploma, but who are now seeking a high school diploma in order to secure employment or further education.
Persons interested in the Open Doors program should contact their school district high school counseling office to determine eligibility. Individualized Next Step Vocational Educational and Social Skills Training (INVEST) Employability Certificates
The INVEST Program is designed to address the unique academic and employment needs of post-secondary students with intellectual disabilities. INVEST students may earn a 1-year Fast Track Employability Certificate or a 2 year Employability Certificate. These are local certificates not currently recognized by the state. Becoming a Teacher
In order to teach in a K-12 public school classroom in Washington State, a teaching certificate must be earned at a four-year college or university. There are several steps to complete this. Skagit Valley College offers a 90-credit transfer degree (AA-DTA) that prepares students for entry into education certification and baccalaureate degree programs in Washington State. Upon completion of the AA-DTA degree, students may transfer to any of the 22 teacher certification programs in Washington State, public or private. Completion of the teaching certificate at a college/university is the last step toward employment as a teacher. Plan Ahead-See a Counselor First
By consulting with a counselor or faculty advisor and the intended four-year college/university program, a clear plan for successful transfer can be established. Courses that meet prerequisites for teaching programs and AA-DTA (transfer) degree requirements are: - English &101 and/or ENGL 103 /104 (with a minimum of a B-)
- CMST& 220 , Public Speaking. Not all secondary education programs require Communication Studies &220. Please consult with a counselor or the four-year transfer college that you are planning to attend. Please request information on the requirements from the college of your choice to ensure that application and course requirements are met.
Courses within the transfer degree which are recommended for teaching certification, and meet AA-DTA requirements are: Natural Sciences courses Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, Environmental Science &101 , Geology, Oceanography, Physics Social Sciences courses - Education &115 , 202 , 223
- Economics: any course
- Geography &100
- History &116 , &117 , &118 , &126 , &127 , &128 , &146 , &147 , &148
- Political Science: any course
- Psychology &100 , &200
Humanities - Art: any introduction or art history course
- Drama &101 or English &114
The above courses are suggested based on college readiness. Some students may need developmental math, reading and/or English courses to enter college-level courses. Consulting with a college counselor/advisor is recommended to plan the most efficient and effective path for degree completion. Most education certificate programs require a special application in addition to the university/college application. Admission is competitive, with 2.75 being the minimum and higher GPA’s recommended for admission to the education program. Applications are accepted quarterly at most schools. The WEST-B (Washington Education Skills Test-Basic) is offered by a national company and is required for ALL education programs applicants in the State of Washington. Completion of the WEST-B is recommended as soon as math and English courses are completed at Skagit Valley College. Test results must be received by the university/college as part of the application by the stated application dates. See WEST-B website at: www.west.nesinc.com or call 1.800.784.4999 for details and a testing schedule. |
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